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Chapter 31

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【Literary Masterpieces】


Chapter 31

◎Delicate small pumpkins should be fed with good gemstones◎

The boss with the gold mask is diligently explaining the auction process, and the quotation in each person's hand, one markup at a time.

At the monthly auction, the "shop" can make a lot of money.

"I announce, the auction has officially begun!"

The boss's voice was excited and loud, resounding throughout the auction hall, and the applause sounded one after another, falling in the boss's ears, and it was the sound of gold coins entering the account.

He bowed the stage to skilled auctioneers, and the messengers entered with silver plates.

The boss stayed on stage for a second, turned away satisfied, completely unaware that he was locked by a pumpkin flower.

Only the flowers the size of a fingernail shook vigorously, as if angrily prompting how to let him go!

Fertilizer, big fertilizer!

In the darkness, the boss's footsteps seemed to have stopped, and he looked at the second-floor box where Ruan Soft was.

The soft mutant fur pulled down, covering the movement on the arm.

[System, this is what you said can be detected?] 】

Where is this detection pumpkin, this is obviously a foodie pumpkin, don't think that she didn't feel it just now, she just wanted to eat.

The cuffs seem to have a tug, Ruan soft lowered his head, he is missing a piece of hair?

The little pumpkin is closed, and if it weren't for the mutant fur left on its bottom, everything seemed to really be happening.

[But, but the overall result is what you want, you can detect parasitic mutants and zombie kings.] And it's going to grow. 】

The system was also a little proud, and excitedly introduced his new son to Ruan Soft.

[It is a blessing to be able to eat, it can really become the same as in the book when it eats a little more, and it grows up a little more.] 】

The magical "da" sound lingered in Ruan Soft's mind, and she just wanted to throw out the pumpkin that had been gnawing on her shawl now.

What do you like to eat to find yourself, she refuses to feed!

The little pumpkin, which had nibbled a few bites, suddenly stopped and began to change color motionlessly.

Everyone around was paying attention to the exhibits on the stage, and Ruan Soft stared at the pumpkin on his wrist.

Moto had checked the corner of the room, there were no extra cameras, it was glued to the crack of the door, paying attention to the movement outside the door.

The pumpkin began to change color, from a beautiful orange red to a bright brick red, and a little bit to white, and then slowly from green to yellow to orange. The bottom flap opened all at once, and a note was spit out.

The freshly baked note lay quietly in Ruan Soft's palm, the texture was exactly the same as his shawl.

Eat a shawl and spit notes?

Ruan Soft unfolded the note in his hand with some curiosity.

Above is a crooked font, and Ruan Soft's eyes slowly widen.

✓ After the end of the day, I planted vegetables in Moxian CastleWhere stories live. Discover now