Part 2

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Arnav who is traveling found an issue with his car and stopped it aside, he got down and checked it


Arnav looked around and found it was deserted, took out his mobile and tried to call his manager but there was no signal.

Having no other options arnav took his things out of the car and locked it and started walking hoping to find a stay nearby.

It's been half an hour but he couldn't find anything.
Suddenly he found someone walking and started going towards that person and said EXCUSE ME.

Then that person turned to him and said ji.

For arnav his heart skipped its beat, the entire world stopped for a minute, he saw the most beautiful girl in front of him, he just didn't know what was happening to him.

For the first time in his life he had this type of new feelings in him.

His thoughts came to an end when he heard her voice.

Do you need anything?

Arnav who is lost in her without thinking said you.

She immediately said what?

on hearing this he came to earth and said umm what I meant is you,  ah can you help me actually my car broke down, so i am searching for the stay do you know way to any hotel near by?

There is no hotel nearby and if you want to go, you need to walk almost 20kms as it is late hour you may not get any transport.

On hearing this arnav started thinking about what he should do now, then he asked her if you don't mind can use your phone so I could call someone to get another car.

I don't have it, if you don't mind our place is nearby so you can come with me and can do a phone call it is just a 5 minute walk.

Arnav agreed with her and they started walking.

There is so much silent arnav thought to break it

What is your name?

The girl replied softly with a smile KHUSHI.

Khushi , Arnav repeated her name, it felt so nice pronouncing her name.

He looked at her, she looked so calm her smile is genuine but there is something missing in her.

What is your Name? Asked Khushi


Just then arnav saw that he reached the place it looked like a small village and then he saw a house which was decorated with lights.

As they neared the house he saw something that states Khushi weds Ajay written on the flex. Arnav looked at khushi

Is this your wedding Khushi?

The smile on her face disappeared, she become pale she looked at him with sad eyes and said yes.

Arnav felt sharp pain when she said yes but why did her eyes look sad, when he was going to ask her, he heard someone calling Khushi.

They both looked in that direction.

Buaji you didnt sleep? Asked Khushi

No i am waiting for you, just then she saw arnav and asked khushi who he is and khushi told her what happened.

Buaji turned to arnav and said please come inside.

Once they are inside she asked him sit and told khushi to arrange some food for him. When Khushi left

What is your name bitwa? Asked buaji.

Arnav, he replied with a smile, she asked him where he was coming from, he said he is living in delhi but he belongs to lucknow.

Khushi reaches them and says food is ready arnav ji and here is the phone.

Arnav took the phone and went aside to call his manager and he came to know that it is impossible to get transport now, he should wait until morning. After attending the call he turned just then he saw khushi and Buaji coming towards him.

What happened arnavji is there any problem? Asked Khushi

Wo my manager says that it is not possible to get a car at this time, and i should wait till morning.

Then what is the problem in that bitwa you can stay here then said Buaji.

No Buaji i mean mai ...i am already troubling you at this time i don't (his words were cut by buaji)

Dont say that bitwa see you have called me buaji, so you have to listen to me now have your dinner.
After dinner Khushi showed arnav his room and they said good night to each other.

Arnav went to sleep with a heavy heart and on the other side Khushi went to her room and tried to get some sleep but it is so far from her.

This night is going to be the last night she is going to stay in this room, this house, this village...

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