Part 6

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Myself ARNAV SINGH RAIZADA would you like to be my friend???

I would love to and myself KHUSHI...KHUSHI ARNAV SINGH RAIZADA

On hearing this arnav is like he was on cloudnine

What the!! me on cloudnine, really, I think after going to lucknow I should consult a doctor but that name sounds as music to him.

Again there is a great silence between them

Khushi if you don't mind can you tell me something asked Arnav it in a serious tone.

Khushi did not understand what happened to him why he sound serious then she said ji what?

Please do tell me about yourself Khushi

you see if anyone asks me about my wife then what should I say, that I just know her name is khushi arnav singh raizada that's it, then what will people say?

When khushi understood this she started laughing.

Arnav is very happy to see her laughing she is looking beautiful and happy with all her heart at last his mission to keep her happy is started.

Then Khushi looked at him and said don't worry MR.RAIZADA I promise that you will never face it, with that she started saying about her.

Life is very nice when I was a child arnav ji but it soon turned worse when I lost my mother but later I became happy when I came to know I got a new mother, I thought that she would love me and give happiness I want but the thing I want can never last for ever. Gradually I lost my parents, I lost their love but I can't do anything, so I accepted the fate and lived according to it.

I always feel I was alone so started keeping busy in studies, it really helped me a lot, with that spirit I completed my graduation later I joined in a Xfashion designing and started my career as a professor, everything is fine until marriage proposal came, its not easy for me to commit in a relationship with such person, I tried many ways to stop it but I was left with no choice later all you know.

There was silence filled in the air arnav could understand what she has gone through her life, what she wants from her life. She wants to be treated well, she needs someone besides her to say they were with her, to say she has someone on her side, someone who listens to her, someone who shares her happiness and grief, someone to pamper her and most importantly someone to love her  and to be loved by her with all their heart.

Arnav promised himself that he would give her whatever she needed in her life.

Remember one thing khushi I will always be with you whenever you wants someone by yourside.

His words touched khushi's heart, she didn't know why but his small words gave great relief in her

They both sat there like that for some time.

Khushi I think now we should go home.

he saw Khushi's face turning pale, he knew what she was thinking, she is thinking how his family will react to it, will they accept their marriage, will they accept her.

Khushi don't worry I will be there na. i will take care of everything but it is just I want you to be my side, you will be with me right??

Khushi nodded her head and said, yes arnav I will be with you on your side

Thank you khushi now come lets go and face our first battle but I promise it is going to be very easy saying that arnav got up and helped khushi .

Both went to the car and started their journey. But this journey is different from before one, they both talked to each other about their hobbies, likes and dislikes etc

After few hours they reached a huge palace  called sheeh mahal. Khushi is just awestruck by seeing it her lips form a perfect O shape, arnav watched khushi who is just admiring it.

Khushi, close your mouth otherwise flies will fly into it.

Saying this arnav parked the car after hearing that khushi pouted. Arnav got out of the car and came to khushi's side and opened the door and offered his hand for her. Khushi looked at his hand and kept her hand in his and got out of the car.

They both reached the door before knocking the door Arnav said ready? looking at khushi

Khushi nodded in response and held his hand tightly. arnav rang the door bell and waited for the door to be opened after a few seconds the doors opened, there stood Subhadra Malik, Arnav's dadi.

She is very glad to see him, she is seeing him after 2 years, he has grown more handsome just like his father, tears of happiness are rolling from her eyes, she missed him very much. She went to him and touched his face smiled at him and said how are you chote?

Arnav smiled at her and said I am fine dadi how are you?

I'm fine as you can see me. Come inside are you trying to be here only or what? You said you are  going to come yesterday but what happened why'

her words were cut by arnav, dadi and bought khushi beside him from behind.

Dadi is shocked to see a girl, no a newly married girl in front of her. she looked at khushi and then arnav she saw he is also holding a garland in his one hand and the other is holding khushi's hand .

Who is she chote? Asked Dadi

Arnav looked at dadi and said she is my wife dadi I married her today.

Khushi is just seeing arnav and dadi, she is holding arnav's hand very tightly, arnav can feel her nails digging into his arm but the physical pain is nothing to him, all he knows now is he should support her.

How is this?
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