Part 14

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There is some here to meet you, look at them as well said Dadi.

Khushi looked at that person and Shouted.

Khushi ran and hugged her and started crying.

All felt happy when they saw Khushi's excitement but soon they start to get worried.

Khushi, what happened, said both Arnav and dadi who came and stood either side of her.

Khushi what is this, see you are making them worried, said buaji pulling her slowly out of hug.

I missed you buaji, said a Khushi

Pagal, you are crying for this, see how Arnav bitwa and Subhadra ji are worried for you.

Meanwhile Arnav filled a glass of water for her and held it her lips.

Khushi saw Arnav who is concerned and started drinking water, once she finishes she cleaned her face with the back of her hands and smiled brightly at them.

See now I am fine, said Khushi all shook their heads in relief.

Buaji, tell me when you came here, how you came , how are you asked an excited Khushi.

Khushi stop your question train, I will answer to all said buaji patting her head.

I just came a few minutes before you came and I am all good now, how can I not, after seeing my bitya so happy in her sasural.
Arnav bitwa is in touch with me since your marriage day and he made all these arrangements and see here I am said buaji.

Khushi looked at Arnav gratefully and he simply returned with a smile and replied.

Khushi there is one more thing now you don't need to miss buaji because she will be staying with us from now on.

What really asked an happy Khushi looking at buaji.

Yes Khushi said buaji.

Wow I am soo happy, saying Khushi hugged buaji again.

Now Khushi show Madhumati her room and get her settled and bring her for dinner said Dadi.

Sure dadi, come buaji, said Khushi.

Once buaji settle both sat there.

How are you bitya, I know you are happy but I want to know from you asked Buaji.

I am so happy Buaji, truly Arnav and his family are gems, they accepted me with open arms and showering all their love

True bitya they are very good, when your marriage happened in haste, even though I am happy, i am worried what happened is right or not, we know nothing about Arnav but still there is some unknown trust in him.
And I am glad it turned out for good.

When Arnav bitwa called me and told about everything I am at peace, he wants me to stay here at first I was hesitant but at same time I want to be with you, some how he make me convenience.

I am happy that I agreed with him,and he is very nice guy said buaji

Yes buaji, I am very lucky to get him said Khushi.

Just then Arnav came and knock the door both looked at him and smile

Arnav came in, buaji is everything settled,

Yes bitwa

Good now if you both pause your talks please shall we have dinner asked Arnav

Both nodded

Come dadi is waiting for us said Arnav.

All had dinner and the day ended with lots of things.


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