Part 18

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They both were hugging each other and staring the ceiling.

He slowly started kissing her.

Arnavji stop it.

Why why should I stop it.

Arnav just now we completed our deed I am tired let me get some sleep.

I know baby but I love you so much that I can't stop myself loving you .

Then she hugged him tightly and kissed him near his lips and said I too love you so much that I can't live with out you even a second

All I want is just to stay in your arms like this forever.

She looked in to his eyes with teary eyes and said please never let me go away from you I will d..

her words were cut as he kissed her angrily with turned full of love and said never say that words again I can never let you go ok.

With that he kissed her tears

Suddenly he woke up from his sleep sweating heavy this dream is haunting from past month.

It has been two months since the accident happened and he lost few years of memory.

But couldn't make what these nightmare or better we call them as dreams.

At first he used to get some flashes which are not at all clear but now he is getting these dreams continuously.

Though the dreams were not clear but now he can listen the voices.

The things that caught his attention is that the lady in the dream is calling the man with his name.

How can it be possible??

From their talks it seem like they both are deeply in love.

But his doubt is why he is getting these dreams?

who are the people in the dream?

Why the lady is call arnav ji?

If the person is him then how come he knew nothing about that lady?

Does the lady exists?

If yes then where is she? and why his family members didn't inform him?

He has to know about it in any way, it's the only way he can get out of this mess.

With that he went back to sleep.

It was morning in RM everyone are at breakfast table.

Arnav descending from stairs and saw his nani,di,jeeju,mama,mami already seated.

He went towards them and greeted good morning to everyone.

Good morning chote how are you feeling now? Asked Anjali

fine di.

ok now have breakfast chote said nani

where is rohan? asked Arnav

hello hai arnav bitwa rohan went out with akash replied mamo


After completion of breakfast

Now I am leaving for the office said Arnav

ok chote takecare

Arnav went to office.

Everyone are sitting in living room.

Anjali don't you think we should tell chote about khushi asked Shyam

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