Part 11

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Arnav and khushi reached the shopping mall and went inside, first they went to a clothing shop and started seeing sarees .

khushi started selecting the sarees while arnav is just watching her every moment, he is mesmerized by her beauty the way she frown when she doesn't like it and then how her face light up when she like something.

Here khushi does not know what to buy everything seems the same so she thought of taking the help of arnav .


Arnav who is in his world of admiring didn't hear her.


Not getting any response khushi turned and found him lost in his thoughts.

Khushi :snapped her hands in front of his eyes and called him


Arnav immediately came out of the important work he is doing.

What khushi?

Where have you lost?

Nothing just leave it, what were you saying?

Just help me in selecting these sarees Arnav I am confused.

Arnav looked at the sarees and selected the one that caught his eyes, it is very beautiful with simple work on it and looked elegant, more over it is his favourite color red, why wouldn't he select it for his lady he took it and gave it to her.

Khushi felt happy with his selection and took it from him

Khushi smiled and said it is beautiful arnav.

Then they bought some more sarees then bought some Western wear also, later they went to a restaurant and had their lunch.

During lunch they kept talking about their interests, dislikes, their lifestyles etc...later they did a few more necessary shopping and headed home in the evening, when they reached the home they were warmly welcomed by dadi.

You guys came how is the shopping? asked Dadi

It is good dadi, replied Arnav

Ok you both fresh up and come down for dinner and then relax.

Arnav and khushi nodded in agreement and left to their room.

In room

Arnav first went to washroom to fresh up in the meanwhile khushi arranged the dresses she bought .

Later when arnav came out khushi went to fresh up and came after few minutes.

Arnav who was sitting with his phone looked at her when she came out of the bathroom, she came out in white night dress with a few strands of wet hair tickling he cheeks. khushi didn't see arnav watching her. she went to mirror while wipping her wet hair and stood before it then combed her hair, made her hair into pony resting on right shoulder, then reached a small box that is rested on the table and tried to open its lid but she couldn't open it.

Here arnav is watching her every moment and when she started struggling to open the lid of that small box her went to her.

Khushi what is it your are trying to open.

Arnav see this is not opening

What is it so important that you want open it now I mean you can open it later right.

No arnav I want to open it now.

Ok give it to me I will open. when khushi gave him the box

By the way what is there in this tiny box.

Sindoor said Khushi

Arnav just looked at her in surprise then opened the box, he want take the sindoor in his hands and apply to her maang but he stopped his urge and returned it to khushi.

Khushi smiled at him thank you arnav.

she turned to face the mirror and took a pinch of sindoor in her hand and filled it in her maang

She turned to arnav and said shall we go to which arnav nodded and they reached the dinning table and had their dinner.

Later they all sat in the living room.

So chote how is anjali bitya and all? asked Dadi

Everyone is fine dadi, di also coming to india next week then she will come to Lucknow to meet you.

So shyam(anjali husband loves anjali alot) and rohan(anjali son) also coming?

Yes they are also coming.

Umm chote did you say anjali bitya about your marriage ?

Khushi looked at arnav, just then arnav looked at khushi then turned to dadi and said no dadi not yet, i thought of saying her today but couldn't. so tomorrow when I call her then I will say to her.

umm..say her as soon as possible you know na how much eager she is to see you married.

Yes dadi I will tell her tomorrow, lets see what will be her reaction.

Definitely she is not going to spare you chote you have to pay.

I know dadi.

Ok then its getting late go to sleep.

Arnav and khushi said good night dadi

Good night.

Both reached their room arnav looked at khushi and found her in deep thoughts with worry face.

khushi with that he kept his hand on her shoulder.

Khushi looked at him.

Arnav made khushi to sit on the bed and sat next to her, then he took her hand in his and made her to see his face.

What is bothering you khushi.?

wo wo a.arnav, I am thinking about di, i mean what will be her reaction when she comes to know about us, will she accept me??

Arnav just smiled at her, look khushi just keep all your insecurities aside ok, di will be very happy to know this and she will surely make you her friend at next instance you meet her, nothing wrong will happen, i will handle the situation and all I need is you being on my side.

I will always be on your side arnav then she passed him her beaming smile.

That like my Mrs.Arnav always keep smiling ok now sleep saying that arnav slept on his side faceing his back to her.

Khushi also slept on her side and thinking about his words Mrs.arnav she smiled herself and blushing, soon both drifted into the deep slumber with a smile on their faces.

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