Part 15

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After arnav left for office a blushing khushi came in to their room sat on the edge of the bed and lost in her thoughts about that peck.

Few days back khushi is in their room and reading a novel.

She is so much lost in it such that she even doesn't know when arnav return to their room.

Arnav saw his cute wife reading the novel he called her but no response he again called her but no response.

it irked him but he thought he will leave her and do his work but his naughty mind went against it.

So he went to khushi and stood behind her snatched the book from her hand.

Khushi who is reading book is initially shock but then turned to arnav and found him with his famous smike.

Arnavji why did you do that give my Book back now said Khushi with little irritation.

Arnav who is in full mood to play replied what khushi what is there in this book that you so lost in it that you even didn't hear me calling you.

sorry arnavji I was so lost in it so I didn't hear you. She said with a cute pout.

what??you lost in it! Do you even know that you are reading this for 16th time since you bought it.

Khushi excitedly really arnavji I even don't know it please give that book now just a page left then I will be complete it for 16 times.

so you want this now showing the book in his had.

Khushi nodded her head in agreement.

Then take it, said arnav

Khushi moved little to take the book but arnav moved a side with the book.

Khushi just blinked her eyes and saw arnav standing and smiling.

what is this arnav give it back to me.

Take it khushi I am not stopping you.

Khushi took a step towards him again another step but she saw arnav taking his step back and smiling mischivously towards her.

Khushi understood that he is playing with her and started taking steps with speed but arnav is already gone soon the both started running in the room.

But soon their running came to and ends both are facing each other.

Khushi looked at him and said arnavji give it na.

Arnav looked at her, she looked so cute he thought and said ok then take it.

Khushi came to arnav but he didn't moved this time

But when khushi about to take the book from his hand he move it to his other hand.

Khushi got angry with this arnavji give it to me.

Arnav with an innocent face take it khushi I am no even running.

ok then I will take it from you. With that she started trying to take book from his hand he keep on moving it.

Arnav is surely enjoying these moments.

He kept his hand above, in order to get the book khushi tiptoed to reach the book but lost her balance and about to fall but arnav immediately hold her waist but during this process suddenly her lips touches to his.

Both of them felt some current passing through their bodies.

Khushi immediately back offs and stood there looking at ground feeling embraced.

Arnav is so lost in her lips touch.

After few minutes khushi sees towards arnav and saw him lost, then he eyes goes to her book she finds this as opportunity and takes the book from him.

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