Part 4

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After arnav left, buaji and khushi went to the temple.
Marriage is not a big fair but few important people in the village were present there and marriage rituals started.

Here arnav is in his car but his mind is revolving around khushi.

He tried many ways to distract himself, he told himself that he is the ASR and she is no one to him but it is highly impossible.

Then he remembered his last glance at Khushi, her eyes they are trying to say something, he tried to understand them but he couldn't.
He closed his eyes and all things that happened before day flashed before him her eyes, her face, her voice,everything.

Arnav opened his eyes, his heart beating very fast, he understood what happened to him, he love her, yes he is in love with her, yes it is love at first sight.

Unknowingly a smile spread on his face, the ARNAV SINGH RAIZADA is in love at first sight, he laughed at himself he never believed in love at first sight.
He believed that people will fall in love after knowing them completely but here it's different.
Then he remembered about khushi's wedding without thinking he reversed his car to the temple.

Here at the temple when the actual rituals started, somebody shouted Stop this marriage (i know i know routine dialog but needed LOL).

Everyone looked in that direction, police were standing there, they came to them and said that they were arresting ajay for his illegal activities and arrested him.

Once the police left, khushi and buaji felt happy in their hearts but khushi's step mother started scolding khushi about her ill fate, with this khushi started to cry.

Khushi's step mother mocked her and said now what will happen to us, all our reputation is ruined, now how are we going to live? now who will marry you?

Just then they heard a voice saying 'I WILL'.

All looked in that direction, while arnav is traveling back he knows that he is going to be late so he used his influence and made local police to arrest ajay.

When arnav reached the temple he found everyone standing, a woman is blabbering.
When he heard her questioning who will marry khushi he immediately said I WILL,  then he looked into Khushi's eyes and said I WILL MARRY HER.

Everyone was shocked, he came forward and saw khushi then held her hand and walked to the altar and started doing rituals, buaji felt very happy and tied them with a sacred knot, after that they both took pheres why taking them arnav promise that he would never bring tears in her eyes and all way keep her happy with whatever she wants.

After that he looked at khushi and tied mangalsutra and applied sindoor on her mang with a promise himself that he would always be with her in all aspects and will love her with all his heart until his last breath.
With this the both were bonded in a new relation called marriage.

Khushi's step mother is still in shock, by the time she comes out of it, she saw arnav and khushi were going towards buaji and said you cant do this and went near khushi and said you can't marry, how can you marry someone without my approval, this marriage is nothing you can't go with him him.

All this time arnav is just watching her when she said the last few words his anger reached its peak.

Then he interrupted her words and said oh really a few mins back you are asking who is going to marry her, now i married her she is my wife and anyone don't have any rights on her except me saying this he walked out of the mandir all this time khushi is just watching his face.

When they reached the car arnav saw buaji coming towards them and stopped in front of them.

When Arnav started to say buaji interrupted him and said you don't need to say anything bitwa, i know what you did is correct, just promise me that you will take good care of khushi.

Arnav smiled at buaji and promised that he will always keep her happy, they took buaji's blessing and sat inside the car and started their journey of their new life...

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