Part 19

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Arnav asked again khushi?? Who is she?

Everyone is stunned at his question.

mamu vo khushi mam..rohan words are cut as anjali closes his mouth.

she is our friend chote said Anjali

our friend??????

Anjali didn't know what to say.

That's when akash came to her rescue.

bhai you came It's getting late for a meeting,  come said Akash

ya ok di everyone bye.

With that they both left from there.

Anjali sighed in relief.

For now we didn't tell him the truth but now we have to tell him soon said nani

yes nani, But let khushi know it first then only we can tell him said Anjali.

It has been a 3 weeks khushi came from hospital she is fine now but sometime she feels sick .

All these day there is never a second she didn't thought about arnav.

She asked dadi about him but dadi used to give some lame excuses, she couldn't reach him on the phone, she felt that something was wrong with arnav,  she tried to ask dadi but situations doesn't support.

Today dadi thought to say the truth to khushi and went to khushi room and found khushi reading book.

Khushi bitya

Khushi smiled ji dadi come and sit here.

Dadi sat beside khushi.

How are you feeling now bitya.

Everything is fine dadi but some times I feel sick.

Shall I call doctor bitya.

No dadi anyways I have an appointment na day after tomorrow so no need.

Dadi nodded her head.

Khushi saw that dadi is hesitating to say some thing.

Is there anything you want to say dadi? asked Khushi

Dadi looked at khushi she don't know how khushi will react but she should say it to her.

It is about chote bitya.

Arnav ji did he call you dadi when is he coming? asked Khushi

He will come soon but

But what Dadi

Its about his health bitya.

What happened to him dadi is he fine?

he is fine bitya but.....

but what dadi? please say me what happened to him.

I will tell you Khushi but you promise me you will not fall week. You are my strong girl I know you will take best decision for you both. Said Dadi

Dadi please tell me what happened to Arnav, where is he? Why he didn't call me or come to meet me until now asked Khushi

I will tell you bitya but please be strong,
When that accident happened he lost his memory bitya, he doesn't remember you bitya with that she started crying.

Khushi is shocked to hear that she felt all her world crashed at once, all the things from the time they met came infront of her eyes.

Dadi shook khushi

khushi bitya

Slowly tears started to flow from her eyes she saw dadi she immediately hugged dadi and started weeping.

why these things happen to me dadi. why? I finally got my love ,my life but now everything is gone.

No bitya don't think like that whatever happened. You should be strong bitya you should be strong.

Khushi came out of hug and kept her face in dadi's lap.

Dadi slowly started stroking her hair.

How is he now dadi.

He is fine bitya and is in delhi.

That day anjali and shyam only joined you in hospital.

di is also here?

Yes she is with arnav.

There is some silence in the room.

after few minutes.

Dadi I want to go to delhi and meet arnavji.

What are you saying bitya?

Yes dadi I want to meet him so that I can get him back.

Then she got up and looked at dadi.

He may have lost his memory dadi but not his love, i promised him that I will never leave him in any situation dadi.

then how can I leave him now like that.

he may need time to gain memory but I can't leave him without trying anything and moreover he promised me that he will never leave me and Arnav Singh Raizada never let his promise break said Khushi

I am proud of you bitya, it is a little test for your love bitya and I am sure you will win,  make your love win, be strong bitya.

I will go to delhi dadi.

ok bitya but I will also come with you.

Khushi just nodded her head.

Later khushi talked to anjali asked many things about arnav and told about her decision

Everyone in the family felt happy hearing about khushi decision.

Khushi asked them not to say anything to arnav And they agreed for that.

After two days khushi went to doctors check up and then both dadi and khushi started for delhi.

Khushi and dadi started for delhi all the way khushi lost in the thoughts of arnav.

she don't khow how she will react when she sees arnav but she will be definitely happy on seeing him.

Soon her thoughts came to an end when they reached RM.

Both dadi and khushi came out of the car when they reached door they found entire family waiting for them there.

Anjali first went to dadi and hugged her.

then she came to khushi.

Both of them smiled at eachother and hugged.

How are you khushi? Asked Anjali

I am fine are you?

I am good.

How is arnavji? Asked Khushi

he is good, come lets go inside.

When they went inside anjali introduced everyone to khushi.

I am very happy to see you bitya. Said Nani

ji sasuma atlast we got our bahu home said mami

Just then rahul came running.

papa who came?asked Rahul

Your mami came wont you meet her, replied shyam

mami came? asked Rahul

ha rahul said Khushi

Rahul turned and went to khushi and stood in front of her khushi smiled at him and bent on her knees to reach his height.

Rahul smiled at her, how are you mami.

I'm fine dear how are you?

Super good. will you be with us mami?

yes replied Khushi pinching his cheeks

Yayy with that he hugged her.

Come Khushi take some rest said Anjali
Just then they heard a voice from behind KHUSHI.........

How is it??
Do let me know your views?

PS. This story is ending with a chapter+ epilogue

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