Part 17

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Its almost 8 in the morning both arnav and khushi are sleeping hugging each other.

As the sun rays started falling in their room arnav sleep is disturbed he slowly opens his eyes and see his surrounding, all the before day confession came flashing in front of his eyes.

He looked little down and He loved this sight before him he wished he could get up daily like this.

Khushi sleeping with her head on his chest and hugging him tightly at his waist.

She looked so cute with a happy face and having some glow in her face.

He know after their long night she will feel pain and week so thought to bring her medicine and little food before she woke up.

He moved a little to get up not to disturb her but damage is done khushi woke up from her sleep she found that she is sleeping on him and moved her head to see him.

She saw arnav seeing her and smiling at her.

He moves little down such that their faces are facing each other.

Khushi smiled at him.

Arnav moved forward and captured her lips in his and kissed her fully and he got same response from khushi.

Once they broke their kiss, arnav kissed her fore head and said Good morning khushi.

Khushi blushed and softly said Good morning arnav.

Just then khushi looked the clock showing 8:20.

omg I am late arnavji why didn't you wake me up. What will dadi think there is so much work to do.

khushi relax it's ok, you forget that dadi and buaji are not there.

Then it striked to khushi.

I forgot arnavji. Anyways I want to getup and use washroom so move.

Arnav just moved from her giving her enough space.

khushi got up, ouch tears flowed from her eyes.

khushi what happened first you sit said Arnav

And made her sit and hugged her.

I am sorry khushi. i am sorry its all because of me if.......

His words are cut by khushi.

Arnavji you no need to say sorry and more over I am fine with this pain a sweet pain.

should I call doctor khushi.

no need arnav ji it will go first I want to use bath room.

ok now come I will take you there and no arguments.

ok arnav ji but first put on something on your body.

Arnav saw khushi seeing other side and blushing he saw his pant lying there and put it on.

He came near her khushi covered her self with the blanket he helped her to go to wash room.

khushi don't lock the door ok and if you want some thing call me.

ok arnav ji.will you please give me some dress from my cupboard.

Arnav nodded and went and came in minutes and gave her dress and left the washroom.

He went down got took bath in other room then made his way to kitchen and made some coffee and toast for them and moved to their room.

In the mean while khushi completed her bath and came out of the washroom and saw arnav setting breakfast.

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