🍊Make Me Sway Part 1🍊

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🍋Sanji x Fem Reader🍋




You were on the Strawhats ship after they found you washed up on a broken wooden board at sea. You awoke wrapped up in a warm blanket beneath a wooden panel. There were creaking noises from the ship's hull along with the sound of an anchor dropping into the ocean. You stir awake looking out the small circular window to see nothing but miles of blue seas. There was a smell of seafood that found your nostrils, and it activated your hunger. You hadn't eaten for days after the night your cruise ship sank...



They were fearless pirates that shot at the cruise ship scavenging for money, jewels, and all sorts of treasures. Cannons shot from the ships and hit the cruise causing all of the people to scream in terror. People ran left and right searching for the lifeboats, a mother carried her baby and ran through the crowd. Making her way to the last lifeboat that was about to drop.

You make your way to the same boat trying to save your own life. However, the lifeboat was almost at full capacity and it was either you or the mother and her baby. The mother begged desperately for you that she wanted to protect her baby. The man about to drop the boat yelled at the both of you. You nod your head to the mother and the baby gets in the boat.

The mother looked back at you in shock holding her crying child as the boat dropped into the ocean. People began to paddle away from the cruise and the pirate ship. You stood with the cruise as it slowly began to sink. Running you covered your head as pieces of splintered wood flew over your head. Parts of the ship came crumbling into itself along with the floorboards.

Then a huge chunk of wood knocked against your head putting you out cold. Next thing you know, you find yourself hanging onto that same board in the middle of the ocean...


You were wearing a comfortable nightshirt and shorts. Sitting up in bed you heard the sound of feet thumping against the floor getting closer. Then the door creaked open as a young boy with black hair and a straw hat peeked in.

"OH boy, you're awake! We were so worried you wouldn't wake up!"

"Wh-Who are you?" you asked.

"I'm Monkey D. Luffy! We found you floating out in the middle of nowhere on nothing but a piece of wood. What happened to you?"

"I was on a cruise ship...it was attacked by pirates."

"Ooh, what kind of pirates? Did you see who it was?"

"What? No! We were attacked and they stole everything and several people died and had to flee! I barely made it out alive, I don't even know how I ended up here."

Luffy scratched his chin,

"Hmm- maybe you're just lucky."

You raised a brow in confusion, then shook your head, "Never mind, where the heck are we? What are you supposed to be anyway?"

"I'm the captain! I'm also gonna be king of the pirates when I find the one piece in the grand line," he said confidently with a smile.

You chuckled, "Is that so?"

"Yup!" he giggled.

You then stood up and looked around the hull, "I smelled something really good, have you made food on this ship?"

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