🍊On the Baratie Part 1🍊

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/ Violence/language with a Customer/

     His smile was charming, and he went about working on his side dishes. Usually, Zeff never likes it when Sanji tries to create something new and original. He's always rejected for his dishes because they weren't on the menu. People were dining in the hall eating the food they had made. The cooks diced onions, added seasoning, and the fish sizzled in the frying pans. You were in the back constantly washing dishes. The piles and piles of plates seemed never-ending. Sanji flips a kitchen towel over his shoulder and sees you.

"Mind if I help you Y/N?"

"Oh no, you don't have to. You've helped wash dishes three times today already."

He smiled, "I don't mind really. You've been washing them since this morning. Did Zeff even give you a break?"

"Just once to eat something."

"You've only eaten once today?" The chef was baffled.

"It's fine though really-"

Sanji said, "No, I'm making you a Cordon bleu."

     He left before you could say anything to him.  Turning your attention back to the dishes, you scrubbed each plate with soap, water, and a sponge.  Outside the dinner rush came and people from all over the seas came to the restaurant.  A group of merchant pirates came in, they weren't wanted with a high bounty, but, they disrupted the hall. 

   There weren't any tables available and the scurvy pirate scared off some commoners.  The couple ran in fear out of the restaurant.  He was named Daniel Killersmith, a well-known pirate in the East Blue.  He demanded a drink not having any patience at all. 

   Zeff stopped you from doing the dishes, "OI get out there an' waiter the tables will you?"

"Yes, chef."  You stopped and went to change your outfit. 

You then went out of the kitchen wearing a formal black and white dress.  You held a small notebook as you went over to the table with the four impatient pirates. 

  "Welcome to the Baratie where the food is always the ambience.  My name is Y/N what may I get for you?"

The Captain looked at you up and down, you were disgusted.  He smelled like dead fish and seaweed, and his black hair was all unruly and greasy.  He chuckled,

  "Well sweehar' I wouldn't care for a bottle of rum with a piece of your meat eh?"  The pirate laughed as did the rest of his crew.

  You swallowed uncomfortably, "Any specific rum you'd like in particular?"

Killersmith stopped laughing as he stared at you with a scowl,

"I don't care- just get me food and rum you whore!" he snarled.

"Very well sir- and how will you be paying?"

"You goddamn--BITCH, I said go get me food and rum!" He sat up just inches away from your face.

   Sanji came back with a plate of food but you weren't at your dishwashing station. He then looked out the door and saw you being harassed by a pirate. The chef quickly went and started to cook some food and snatched a couple of bottles of rum from the bar. 

The pirate's breath smelled awful and there were bugs in his beard.  His teeth were grimy and smudged with black ash along with the rest of his face.  The smell alone almost made you want to throw up.  Despite you've only eaten once today. 

   The pirate grabbed your throat getting enraged just when you were about to leave.  You held onto his wrist trying to let go as you started to get choked.  Suddenly a black leg snapped down on his wrist, causing Daniel to yell in pain.  He jerked his hand back into himself.  He growled turning his head and standing up towering over Sanji who had one hand behind his back and a platter of food in the other.

   "YOU WANT TO DIE BOY?"  Killersmith scowled.

Sanji grinned, "Of course not, that's why I've brought your food and rum sir."

   The nasty pirate then chuckled with a smirk, "For once you male waiters never ask any STUPID QUESTIONS and listen to orders."

  You coughed on the ground trying to catch your breath as the blonde man set down the platter of food and rum.  He then helped you up off the ground and nods his head,

  "Enjoy your meal gentlemen."

Sanji helped you back into the kitchen as you recovered from almost being choked out.  He then got you to sit down on a chair as he knelt looking up at you,

   "Are you okay?"

You sighed, "Yeah I'm fine, just a little winded."

The chef looked at you with his blue ocean eyes, one partially covered by his blonde hair.  His hands rested against your knees gently. He had a little cut on the top of his hand that was bleeding. 

  "Sanji...your hand."

He looked down and chuckled, "It's okay, I just dropped a bottle of rum and the glass back ere' an it cut me a little.  I was moving pretty quickly when I saw you struggling out there,"

  He grabbed a kitchen towel and wrapped his hand in it,  his eyes darted up towards you, his head tilted sideways,  Sanji smiled again,

   "I have your food if you still want to eat it,  I just need to warm it up again."

   You nodded your head as he stood back up and went to grab the plate of food.  He went and put it in the microwave for thirty seconds.  Then he took it out and brought it back to you with a fork and knife.  

   Cutting into the cordon bleu the cheese oozed out from the middle.  You cut it into smaller pieces and took a bite of it.  The taste was amazing, and you started to scarf down the food like you hadn't eaten in days.  With satisfaction, Sanji grinned again as he went and lit a cigarette with his golden lighter.  He snapped it shut and blew a drag. 

   "This was good!  Thank you~,"  you said to the chef after finishing the food,

"I don't know how you do it but, I always love your cooking." 

"Yea, but, you're also a good worker.  You also deserve to be treated better because you're a beautiful woman~."

     Your eyes locked with Sanji's as he touched your heart with his words.  One of his hands slid into his pockets as his other took your empty plate and went to wash it in the sink.  Standing up from the chair you wanted to tell him how much you felt.  He was always helping you, making sure you were okay, and being fed.  He was also still extremely charming and handsome. 

   But then Zeff came back in, "What are you doin'?  You're supposed to be out there waiting tables!"

"I'll do it instead, she can't handle those pirates at table nine-"  Sanji interrupted.

"Fine, you take table nine, she can get the other tables.  NO SLACKING OFF-"  The braided mustached pirate said to the both of you.

   "She's worked since this morning Zeff can't you let her be done for the day?"

Zeff turned with one finger up, "If there is no one at any tables, she can get off of work.  But there are seven tables filled out there.  The same goes for you!  Don't you disobey me you brat!"

"I'm not a fucking child old man-"


Sanji sighed as he left to go out the door.  You followed behind him giggling a little as you both worked late into the night.  









End of Part 1

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