Goodbye Jade Li

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Goodbye Jade Li

Jade Li was about to have it all. As she looked over the latest contract that was sent to her from her then rival company now sub serry company.

This was what she had spent 27 years working towards and four officially taking back the company that had once belonged to her great-grandfather stolen from him from his very own best friend. Oh how sweet was revenge no maybe she could have spent her years doing something a bit more productive even normal like having an actual social life meeting the love of her life creating long-term friendships but who needed that when you could have an empire.

She remembers what it was like growing up her grandfather and father consistently being made fun of pick that looked down on but those around them. Old money families who knew of the wealth that they once held before they were backstabbed by the Lu family.

But no more. As she finished digitally signing the contract I'm sending it out making sure to make copies of it to send to her lawyer the company's personal legal team and three copies to be sent to her grandfather and father and stepmother.

It was official the Li family was back and they were on top baby. Was that thought in her mind and the knowledge that in the next coming days everyone would ever sat there and look down on them we're going to begging to keep their partnerships about a smile to her face and she finally decided to rest.

Laying down after a long days work and a long life's goal complete she fell asleep in peace.

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