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"𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐮𝐬𝐚𝐥, 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞"

Miyamori Y/N was known for her immense intelligence and knowledge across Izumae, a small region in Japan.

She was the only child of her father Tameru Miyamori. Meaning the only blood continuing their bloodline.

She had all the necessary qualities needed to be a successor to take over their clan.


Tameru Miyamori, the head of the Miyamori household and also the head of his clan was known as a big misogynist.

And it was a matter of fact that he would never let his daughter take over his clan.

Being the big misogynist he is.

"Father, pardon me for my insolence but I find this proposal of yours rather absurd." You spoke with frustration evident in your voice.

"Absurd?" He clicked his tongue before scoffing at you.

"Yes,father." You replied with a scowl in your face.

"Oh! Shall I be impressed or ashamed for raising such an ungrateful insolent brat?" Tameru spoke in his usual mocking tone.

Your eyes twitched in anger as you gripped the hem of your kimono all while bowing down infront of him.

"Did I ask for your concent about this proposal?" He asked in fake bewilderment.

You stayed silent.

"I want an answer young lady." Your father asserted with a stern voice.

"No, father." You said not having the authority to speak back to him.

A dark chuckle left your father's mouth.

He truly was an evil man.

"Don't you understand? You being a girl is already a disgrace for my reputation. Still I was kind enough up until now, to raise you well."

"Now it's your turn to return the favor."

Those words left his mouth without any hint of remorse in his tone.

The look in his eyes for you was full of disgust, and you hated it.

Hated it to death.

Without uttering a single word you were dismissed as you found yourself walking back to your chamber with disappointment inside your heart.

Each word of his was like fuel to your stubbornness, to your anger.

Each insult of his made you want to show him that how wrong he was.

And you decided that you are going to prove it to him by hook or by crook,
because you were not a girl to sit tight and wait to be married off to some old hag who would take up your clan.

"....No, not in a million years." You spoke to youself with desperation.

"I would never allow him to decide my life."


Yes a bold and fearless girl like you would never let others decide your fate.

Although you really didn't believe the concept of fate because, for you, fate was something which was to be made by one for themselves and those who could not make their own fate were weak.

You couldn't possibly imagine yourself to be that person.

"My lady, it's me Sakura." A knock on your door could be heard as the person behind the knock was revealed.

"What is it?" You asked not looking her way with your back facing her.

"It's time." She said bowing down.

A smirk plastered on your face as you said,

"Sure, Let the game begin."



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