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"Aw! Look at you never once failing to look your best." Misa praised tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear, smiling softly.

"...Is that so?" you chuckled, being flattered by her words.

"Of course, now let me get your bangasa" she turned back only to pause when you stopped her.

"No need, will go without it." you said holding out a pair of kitsune mask.

"You're going to wear them...?" she gasped slightly.

"Yes, we don't want unwanted eyes on us now, do we?" you smiled.


"Let's go."

"Yes ma'am."

Arriving at the front chamber of the palace you found no sight of him.

"Where is he...?" you mumbled to yourself,looking around.

"You took a damn day to finally decide to step out of that room, huh?"  his voice reverberated from behind, catching you off guard.

"Ha, says the one who was nowhere to be seen moments ago." you scoffed at his words.

"Right, I spared myself a few moments  from the utter boredom you have  caused me awaiting you" he explained himself, expressing his disdain.

You were about to have your comeback when he interrupted.

"Now bicker less, or we might have to hurry."

You nodded acquiescingly, following him behind.

"My lord—!" Uraume's voice made you two abruptly halt in your ways.

His gaze fell above his shoulder, questioningly looking at her.

"Pardon my insolence, but will you not take the royal knights to accompany you?" she asked, finding his actions foreign.

"I am quite well enough on my own, and" he was now looking at you. "As for her, I would rather spare my breath." he smirked stepping away, leaving you behind.

"Now will you have me carry you out?" he questioned seeing you stand still in there appearing...somewhat happy?

'Did he just praise me?' you thought a flicker of surprise dancing on your eyes, as you struggled to make everyone unsee your face which now had a touch of redness in them.

Although you would never agree it, but your heart did skip a beat when he...complimented you.

'This guy...'

'Ryomen Sukuna...what are you plotting now?'

"So you would rather be on my arms than walk on your own two feet?" he jested looking at you with a mix of amusement and confusion.

You merely dismissed his words rushing up to his side. "Let's go."


The city was bustling with crowd lanterns adorned the clothed celling in each stall of varied appetizers, beverages, and what not.

The sound of hucksters calling out for trade, with people crowding all around them, piqued your interest which resulted for you to subconsciously grab his hand—which definitely caught him off guard—you led through the crowd only to find yourselves standing infront of a Kingyo-sukui stall—Gold fish scooping stall.

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