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"Well, well, I guess I should thank you for the favour Aasashi-san." The man trailed off throwing a bag of coins to the old hag's way.

"Oh, and what about her?" He turned back, halting in his pace.

"You mean, Sachiko?" The old lady answered, while she counted the coins, her eyes laced with greed.

"Whom else?"

"Well," she paused, "nothing to keep an account of but I made sure that she met the lady, just like you had asked." she answered, looking expectantly at the man infront in hopes of receiving another bag of fortune.

"And?" he pressed to know more.

"And, the lady looked as if she knew her, I cannot say for sure, but what I can say for sure is Sachiko knew her." She spoke truthfully.

"Tell me something I don't know, like what did Y/N look like after she met with her? Any change in the way she acted?" He grew impatient.

"Oh...let me think..." She spared herself a moment before speaking again "yes! The lady asked who Sachiko was, but she shouldn't have asked that if she really knew her, right?"


"...right, I see." He nodded , before resuming his steps, disappearing into the sea of pedestrians.

"Have a safe trip, Kenjaku-sama."


"What took you so long?" You climbed inside th carriage taking the hand he lent your way.

"I forgot something," you settled on the seat across. "and one of the servants came to give it back." you lied.

"Something? And what was it?" He was  suspicious...

"..uh the bracelet, you gave me. " you gulped.

He pushed his lips outside letting  out a "oh.", and as a result a sigh of relief left your mouth.

You had questions you wanted to ask him, but something within yourself held back the urge to do so.

Why were you so hesitant?

'I wonder if it's because...everything feels  fine now...'

'But...I can't get that girl out of my mind...'

'Who was she!?'

'Why did she look so familiar?'

'And what's with that necklace from my cursed technique?'

'Am I overthinking things? Or was that just a mere necklace? But even if I dismiss that I just can't get her words out of my head...!'

'God damn it. I was over it, no I...I am over it...'


"I suppose you're well aware, that we are leaving Gaikyō tonight?" Sukuna broke the silence, resulting for you to look at him, after being knocked back to reality.

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