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Moments went by before reality clicked back, you shook your head slightly before tucking on his knuckles, prompting for him to let you go.

His grip loosened, but his gaze stuck to yours.

Letting a shaky breath out, you gulped the lump in your throat as you asserted to speak, "I...well..I will be on my way."

you left the warmth of the cozy mattress as you stood up on your feet,

but the next thing you knew, your were on the cold floor.

Your legs gave up.

Sukuna made no wait as to help you on your feet once again. "I...I will do it myself." you attempted to speak only to stop after receiving his stern glare.

His one hand steadied your shoulders while the other one settled your feet over his pulling you closer.

You felt your heart race at the sudden closeness, but nevertheless you were quick enough to compose yourself.

A brief moment of tranquility passed by.

Your eyes instinctively gazed out of the window.

It was raining.

The sound of drizzling echoed through the palace, as if a melody floating through the air.

It struck you with a strong sense of deja vu, but surprisingly your heart didn't ache, not at all.

Instead it filled you with solace.

'Is it over now...?'

Sukuna's interest piqued through as he, too turned his gaze over the open window, while glancing back at you each few seconds.

"It's raining." he mumbled, before he turned his eyes back onto you.

You looked-as if you were lost, you were in a haze...your once dead eyes now shone brightly with a flicker of life.

A small smile graced up at the corner of his lips.

He smiled, and she looked at him.

And just like that, there was a pause.

Their gazes stuck to one another's, the silence was loud,only the pitter-patter of the rain broke it by reminding them of it's lively presence.

This heavy silence and the weight of those unspoken words he wished to say out loud to her, drove him to act on impulse, as he leaned in, their faces-only inches away before she tip-toed and closed the the distance behind.

He was caught by surprise, his eyes widened momentarily,before softening. His hands instinctively grabbed her nape, pulling her in as he deepened the kiss.

Their shared passion made it feel a lot more better than the other times they held onto each other.

They found themselves melting in eachother's touch.

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