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Ahh.. So this what peace feels like...

I lied back then...when I said it didn't hurt at all when it stung like a bee...but now that there's a pool of blood I still don't feel a thing...!

Perhaps I am too overwhelmed with this strange sense of solace that I am unable to feel anything...

"Y/N...! Summon the royal physician right now-! Hurry the fuck up-!" Sukuna shouted frantically as he couldn't fathom to believe what he saw was the reality.

"Don't...Don't close your eyes! I swear if you do-!" He demanded, his voice laced with panic as he held your hand into his gripping it tightly, preventing anymore blood to slip out.

"You thought that I was afraid to die...?" You stammered out with your last bit of consciousness.

"Stop talking-don't close your eyes." he spoke, his voice stern.

"Sukuna...it's living that is a lot more...s-scarier...than dying..." You struggle to voice them out before everything went black.


"Oi! Stay right here...!"

"Y/N!?" He shouted shaking you gently.

"Your majesty the physician has arrived."

"About fucking time." He sneered, as his eyes narrowed when he saw the old man hasten his show.

Y/N laid on his arms, unconscious, with a stained kimono of her own blood. Sukuna too had some on his attire.


"We must not fret!" The doctor exclaimed as he bandaged her wound tight with a white cloth and gave her some ancient herbs, in hopes of her survival.

The maids assisting him, hesitated as they felt tears wet the corner of their eyes. They couldn't help but cry at their ladyship's state.

"Good sir, please...! You must save our lady..." They cried out.

"Lady Y/N...please...!" Misa pleaded to god as she begged for her ladyship's life to be saved.

Sukuna walked to and fro, his steps anxious as he felt his heart race rapidly with each passing seconds.

'It's living...that is a lot more...s-scarier than dying...'

"Fool, Such a great fool you are." He muttered under his breath.

What was this now?

Was it worry? Whatever it was it irked him. He hated this feeling but couldn't help it when he saw Y/N lay on that bed lifelessly.

What if he lose Y/N?

"No. She won't die." He whispered in a dangerous tone.

With a blank stare at nowhere he mumbled those words until his eyes stole a glimpse of the huge painting which clung onto the ivory wall.

It was him and Y/N by his side, holding the sword with great might as she stood beside him with the same merciless look he mirrored.

Without another word he got up and with a swift movement of his finger he massacred the whole room as he screamed in apprehension "She can't die!"

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