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"Wishing on dandelions"

"W-Why are you smiling?" Shizuki asked trying to comprehend what was going inside that head of yours.

"You will see." You simply replied before marching out of the room.

You walked down the hallway to see all the commotion about your escape.

Oh! how badly you wished to see the face of 'his highness' would have made.

Nevertheless you didn't get to see or better said didn't see his face because you didn't have the time to.

You needed to hurry.

You went towards the chamber you shared with Shizuki, stepping in you made sure to close the door behind.

You walked up to the mirror which was positioned at the corner of the room.

You clasped your hands together and stared at the mirror while spelling out, "with the flicker in the darkest;the sovereignty of the brightness, I shall summon the spirit of ice."

Within a few moments you saw a very unclear image being plotted down on the mirror, thus you knew the spirits heard you.

"Show me the key." You said as anticipation took the best of you.

The mirror slowly reflected a picture of yourself!

You were very much confused about what the spirits tried to mean.

"It's You."



You heard the spirits whisper.

"Me?" you asked to yourself.

"How can I be?"

"But..the spirits are never wrong...or so I thought.." You mumbled out being uncertain.

"....Shit! I don't have much time."

Yes, you really didn't. You needed to grab this opportunity to escape with Shizuki and her sister when Sukuna's mind would be on chasing you down but little will he know that you just walked away below his nose without him knowing.

But if things ran at this pace you won't ever be even able to step a foot outside of this huge palace let alone escape.


"Tsumiki!" A voice called out wanting your aid.

"Coming!" You replied rushing up to the voice.

"Here, take this to serve his majesty."
One of the many maids handed you a plate made of gold which held all sorts of expensive appetizers.

"Me?" You asked.

She scoffed before answering, "What are you talking about? You always served his majesty's supper."

You gulped before nodding off and making your way towards his chamber.

You found yourself standing infront of the shoji doors which would led you to him.

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