Prologue | "For Lifers"

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Monday A Lee Sohee Story
Words: 858
Prologue | "For Lifers"

☆ | "nobody could ever replace you" - sanket

LYNN AND her brother stood side by side in all black, the sweet smiling face of there mother's was in a picture frame surrounded by flower arrangements.

Lynn was in her freshman year and her older brother Yeonjun was in his junior year of highschool, the two young teenagers bowed and followed the two men carrying there mother's picture frame out of the building. Lynn had tears rolling down her cheeks as Yeonjun had his arm around his little sister the entire time there mother's casket was being buried, "we'll be ok, I promise" Yeonjun whispered in Lynn's ear as he brought her into a tight hug pressing her head into his shoulder letting her cry.

TAPPING HIS mechanical pencil against his notebook sitting open on his desk, Sohee's eyes were glued to the clock that was mounted to the wall above the classroom's chalk board.

As his knee bounced up and down at a rapid pace the boy took in a deep breath, Lynn wasn't at school today and he hadn't gotten any texts from her or Yeonjun to tell him that everything was ok. Sohee and Lynn had been inseparable since they met on a playground in the 1st grade, Lynn had fallen off the monkey bars and Sohee had found her sitting on the ground with tears rolling down her face. He helped dust her off kissing her knee to make it "feel better" like his mother always did to him when he would get hurt and helped her find her mom and brother, as the two walked up to Lynn's mother she was actually talking to Sohee's mom and after that the two family's got very close.

Ever since then Sohee and Lynn did everything together, they were each others best friends. That's why when the girl didn't show up today without texting the boy why, he started to worry. As the bell rang and the clock hit 3:30 Sohee scrambled to his feet shoving all his books and loose paper into his book bag before rushing out of the classroom, unlocking his bike from the bike rack he jumped up and peddled as fast as he could to the girls house.

As the house with the pink shutters made its way into his view, Sohee peddled faster as he pulled into the driveway and putting his bike up against the garage door. Skipping up the front steps his knuckles made contact with the front door and Yeonjun opened up with a blank face, Sohee furrowed his brows as he watched the older give a small half lipped smile "your here to see why Lynn didn't go to school today, right". The younger boy nodded his head and Yeonjun opened the door wider so that he could walk in, closing the door behind him Yeonjun slipped his hands into his back pockets looking to the floor "mom passed away yesterday was a car crash" he looked up to Sohee and the boy could see that the older's eyes had glossed over "Lynn has been locked in her room all day, I can't get her out and I was actually just about to call you". Placing a hand onto Sohee's shoulder he nodded his head towards the hallway where Lynn's room was "your probably the only one who she'll talk to", Sohee nodded one more time before excusing himself and rushing down the hall to Lynn's room.

Giving three knocks Sohee could hear sniffles from behind the door and his heart dropped to the floor, pushing open her door Sohee took slow steps into Lynn's room until he saw the bathroom door open and small sobs echoing out. Looking into the bathroom there was Lynn laying curled up on the bathroom floor with her arms clutching her stomach as she painfully held back sobs, Sohee crouched down beside the girl and placed a hand on her shoulder "Lynn you should be in bed" he mumbled as he helped her up from the cool tile flooring and into her room. Carefully helping her into her bed the girl watched her best friend with glassy eyes, a stray tear rolled down her cheek as her breathing was uneven and Sohee held her hand from where he sat on the edge of her bed. "Yeonjun told me what happened" he started as his thumb gently rubbed the back of the girl's hand "I'll always be here to help you through anything, even if I have to help you as an crippled old lady", his small chuckles died out as his eyes raised from there spot on there linked hands to Lynn's eyes.

"You have to let me help you more secrets, ok?" Sohee lifted his free hand up and stuck his pinky out, Lynn sniffled and a smile cracked on her lips as she nodded her head yes. As there pinky's locked together the two had vowed to always let the other know when something was wrong so that they could help in any way to make it better, Sohee stared at his best friends smile and thought "I'm so glad to have her in my life"....

First book in the days of the week series!!!

Starting off with my bias Sohee🤍

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1/7 Monday | 2023
💂 ©emilixes

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