001 | "Loud As Always"

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Monday A Lee Sohee Story
Words: 1,002
Chapter 1 | "Loud As Always"

☆ | "and my diary's full of your name on every page" - pink pantheress

HEARING YEONJUN'S voice call from downstairs Lynn hopped around her room as she struggled to pull her jeans up her thighs, finally zipping them up and buttoning them the blonde rushed to grab her favorite jean jacket that was originally her grandfather's until she raided his closet a few summers back and skipped out of her room almost tripping on her cat spoons in the process.

Sliding down the hallway with her socked feet, the girl met her brother in the mud room with a cheeky grin. "You really need to give the boy a raise, you make him late every day" the orange haired male said as he handed his sister a peace of toast as she sprung up from the floor where she laced her converse up, waving her brother goodbye and stepping out the door the cool October air hit her right square in the face giving her shivers that ran down her spine. Running up to her best friend Lynn jumped up to drape her arm around his shoulder and dragged him down to her level when her feet his the concrete of her driveway, the two teens erupted into laughter. "Lynn you seriously need to get your hearing checked, you sleep through your alarm every morning" Sohee said as the blonde rolled her eyes playfully walking backwards to face him with a goofy smile "not every day- I wake up on the weekends so we can go get ice cream before all the rocky road runs out" Lynn said with a wink before turning around and skipping up the steps to the school.

Sohee followed behind her and the two walked to the boys locker to meet up with who Lynn called "the two stooges" like they did everyday, before they got there though they stopped at Lynn's locker to let her drop off her stuff and get her books out. Making there way up to Seunghan and Wonbin, Lynn was just about finished telling Sohee her story about how she almost stepped on spoons that morning when a loud sigh was heard amongst the four. Lynn gave a scowl and glanced over to Seunghan who had his arms crossed and back leaned against the lockers, Wonbin gave Sohee a look and the two kept quiet and let the two have at each other like they did everyday- there was no use and stopping it because they would find a way to bitch one way or another.

"I see your still loud as always, doesn't your mouth hurt from running 24/7?" The tall boy said is a snarky voice as he pushed himself off the lockers looking down at the girl who practically had steam coming out of her ears, "doesn't your neck always hurt from looking down at people- fucking giraffe" Lynn bit back and before Seunghan could throw another sarcastic comeback Sohee gently shoved the boy out of the way towards Wonbin so he could separate the two and get to his locker.

Lynn was watching as Sohee was placing his things into his locker and reaching up to grab his books, she looked at his big hands and couldn't help but wonder how they would feel laced with hers- WAIT A MINUTE!! Lynn cleared her throat as her face burned and looked over to Seunghan who looked back at her with a scowl, the blonde shook the thoughts of Sohee away before clutching her books to her chest and quickly letting out "I really need to find some girl friends" and rushing down the hallway to her first period class. Sohee watched in surprise at the girls sudden statement but shook it off as she was pissed at Seunghan, closing his locker he gave the said boy and disappointed look. He rolled his eyes "just because you like her so much doesn't mean I have to" and walked off leaving Wonbin and Sohee standing by the lockers together, the ravenette placed a hand onto Sohee's shoulder giving him a tight lipped smile "don't worry, she'll realize sooner or later".

LYNN SAT in her seat with her song journal opened to the next blank page, the journal wasn't anything to special looking but it meant A LOT to the girl.

It was a gift from her mother, she had gotten it on her birthday- it was the last one she got to celebrate with her mother. It was a light pink moleskin almost complete covered in missolaniouise stickers she'd collected throughout the years, she wrote all her thoughts in it but it was filled with mostly songs she's written. Lynn didn't let anyone look through it or read anything in it except Sohee, but that was also pretty rare. As she sat in class with her head in her palm and her pink mechanical pencil in her hand she jotted down everything in her mind, right now as she sat zoned out she thought back to when Sohee was picking her up that morning and the bright toothy grin he had on his face. Her heart swelled just at the thought of his smily face, it was like the boy was never seen without one painted onto his pretty lips. His lips.... Lynn furrowed her brows at the thought, how would it feel to kiss him? She'd imagine it would be nice seeing as he had nice plump lips and she knew he never went a day without applying his favorite go-to strawberry lip balm, Lynn felt her pulse pick up and her cheeks heat up.

Snapping out of her thoughts her mouth went dry as she read the things she had been writing down unconsciously-

"I want to hold his hand"

"His smile gives me butterflies"

"His lips would taste sweet like strawberries"

That last one almost gave her a heart attack, slamming the journal shut Lynn took in a deep breath and bit her bottom lip. Sohee was her best friend and that was it, she loved him dearly but not romantically...right?

I watched the video Sohee did with Jaehyun from BOYNEXTDOOR and Park Hanbin from ZB1

We only have one letter off from having the same MBTI

I'm a INTJ and he's a INTP

But you should definitely go watch the video and support BOYNEXTDOOR and ZB1!!!

| Plz enjoy and vote <3
1/7 Monday | 2023 
     💂 ©emilixes

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