Epilogue | "Soulmates"

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Monday A Lee Sohee Story
Words: 643
Epilogue | "Soulmates"

☆ | "soulmates are two best friends who fell in love" - faraway

CLAPPING HER hands in excitement, Lynn gave her boyfriend the biggest smile while grabbing her cone full of orange citrus ice cream.

Taking a few licks of it she watched as Sohee sat down in the booth seat in front of her, his smile mirrored hers and the two sat eating there sweet treats. "Ayyyy if it isn't big mouth and her boyfriend!!" A loud voice called out with humor and sarcasm dripping off his voice, Lynn rolled her eyes as a smile cracked at her lips and Sohee stood up giving his two friends hugs as they bother filed into the seats beside the two. "Oh it must be my lucky day" Lynn snapped back turning her head to look at Seunghan who was sitting beside her with his chin in his palm and a crooked smile on his lips "yes it must, you get to sit by your best friend in eternity!" He said as he threw his arms out in the gesture you would do to bring someone in for a hug, giving him another eye roll the blonde turned towards her boyfriend who was sat next to Wonbin and said in a monotone voice "oh goodie".

Seunghan and Lynn had come to a slight agreement with each other after Sohee announced to his two friends that he and Lynn were now in a relationship, the tall ravenette still gave her the same sarcastic comments here and there but instead of the two of them actually meaning them and hating each other they were on mutual terms.

The four of them talked on for a few minutes until a loud, almost excruciating laugh was heard coming from the door to the ice cream parlor. Jiwoo shoved Chenle by the back of the head before linking her arm back with her boyfriends, Chenle scrambled off towards the table dragging Jisung along with him by the hand. "Hi Jisung!" Lynn called out as she waved at the boy who's face was lit up in embarrassment, he gave a small wave back as he sat down at the table with the hyper Chinese boy.

"I think we might wanna sit over there so we have more room, this booth is kinda cramped" Wonbin said as his eyes never left Yuna's figure as she sat next to Jiwoo and looked Lynn's way sending her a smile and a wave, Sohee nudged his friend with his shoulder and gave him smile while wiggling his eyebrows "so you think Yuna's pretty, huh?" "Oh shut up".

As the two groups all blended together, they ended up having to push two tables together to sit with each other. Jiwoo gave a smile as she saw the blonde girl hug Sohee's arm and give him a lick of her ice cream "hey lynnie, do you remember a few months ago when you told me you'd written a new song" the blond looked towards the brunette girl who was sitting with Yeonjun's arm around her shoulders and gave her nod, "do you think we could see that one?" Yeonjun cracked out laughing at the mention of Lynn's song.

"Yeah lynnie! Can we hear the soulmate song!" Lynn's face flushed a red as she dug her nose into Sohee's shoulder in embarrassment, the table busted out in laughter and Lynn could feel Sohee's shoulders gently shake as he chuckled at it to. "Is that what you named it- the song?" Lynn nodded her head and Sohee chuckled again as he placed his hand on her head and rubbed her hair "that's cute, you are my soulmate so there's nothing to be embarrassed about love". The boy gingerly placed a kiss against her hair and tuned back into a conversation, Lynn smiled to herself and sighed

she really did have a soulmate, and he was her best friend at the same time.

It's the last chapter:((((((

The book is over guys!!!!! I'm so sad 😞

Here's a picture of Sohee's moles to cheer you up!!!

Here's a picture of Sohee's moles to cheer you up!!!

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