008 | "Why Does Our Polaroid Have A Heart On It"

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Monday A Lee Sohee Story
Words: 1,001
Chapter 8 | "Why Does Our Polaroid Have A Heart On It"

Heads up: I was inspired by haekkum 's book called dudezoned for this chapter!!! Giving credit where credit is due!!! You should 100% go check this book out bc it's literally the cutest ff I've read in a while 🙏

☆ | "should friends look at each other the way we do?" - j.b

AS HER fingers mindlessly plucked different chords on her guitar, Lynn was sat at her desk with her legs crisscrossed and her acoustic guitar in her.

She was putting the finishing touches on her new song she'd been writing all day, she quietly hummed the tune along with her guitar having to pause here and there to cough and fix a few things with the melody that didn't sound right to her. Her hair was still up in it's messy top knot but it wasn't really a "top" knot anymore seeing as it was pretty much just a ponytail now hanging off the side of her head, her glasses she never wore but chose to today- again she felt like she felt like she was placed in a safe and dumped into the bottom of a lake for three months due to her annoying ass cold she had- were slipping off her nose causing her to have to push back up and continue to strum.

The song she was working on was basically a conglomeration of all her confusing, conflicting and sudden feeling she had for a boy who just so happened to also be her best friend she did everything with. Hearing some muffled voices behind her door Lynn payed no mind to them as she stopped and fixed a part that didn't sound quite right in her pink journal, even though no one ever read her songs Lynn wanted them to come out good and if anyone ever did hear them she wanted them to be easily understandable. She wanted the people who were listening to be able to understand just exactly what she was singing about, this song was just a small little project she'd written last night just to get everything out of her head before she finally made the decision to tell Sohee how she felt about him- so the song wasn't to important but she still wanted it to sound decent.

Suddenly her focus was demolished when her door swung open and Sohee stood breathless with messy flowers in his hand, a few of them drooping and one even had a broken stem causing it to hang off to the side. Lynn felt her heart drop to her feet and she immediately jumped up and quickly dropped her guitar on her bed, staring at the boy with wide eyes Lynn watched him look around the room embarrassed before his eyes locked on hers.

Maintaining eye contact he started to speak "Lynn- what's been going on, I know when something is wrong with you and I know that's what's happening now" Lynn's whole body shut down at how the boy she had been ignoring for the past month now stood in her room, and he looked just as cute if not even more than before "y-yeah? I was just- like you know...hanging out with spoons.....?" Sohee gave the girl a are you serious look "Lynn, you are actually the worst liar ever".

"We promised each other that we would keep no more secrets....and I know your keeping one but I can't be mad at that c-cause I have been to" His voice drew out into almost a whisper, Lynn furrowed her brows in confusion- he's been keeping a secret too? "Hold on Sohee, you've been keeping something from me?" Her voice came out soft as she stood up in front of him, her eyes trying to decipher what he was feeling in the swirly pool of his pretty chocolate colored ones. Her eyes dragged over his face admiring his moles that scattered his face and his pretty soft lips, she hadn't seen him in so long and her heart pounded in her hears like there schools marching band drum line. Nodding his head his eyes dropped down to look down at the ground before walking to her desk to place the half-way wilted flowers he had brought down, as Lynn watched his back she clenched her fists shut tightly digging her nails into her palms as she told herself that it was now or never-

"Why dose our Polaroid have a heart drawn on it?"

In that moment, everything stopped. Lynn's ears rang and hot tears blurred her eyes, feeling her head spin she rushed over to her desk slamming her journal shut and shoving Sohee away towards the door by the chest. The only thing running in her head over and over and over again was that she had just fucked everything up and there was no coming back from it, with a shaky hand Lynn pointed to the door but kept her eyes down on the ground her voice cracked out in a whisper "please get out".

Seeing a tear drop down from her eye to her hardwood floors Sohee's foot stepped one step closer to her but Lynn looked up with the most heart breaking expression he'd ever seen on her face, not even when he found her in the bathroom the day her mom died did she look so....broken down and defeated "I said please Sohee!!". The way her voice sounded so broken and the way her tears rolled down her flushed cheeks, Sohee stepped back and gave her one last look before leaving out of the room. He gave Yeonjun a look and whispered something before walking out the front door, hearing the front door shut Lynn's legs gave out from under her and she completely collapsed onto the floor. Her cries ripped through her room loudly and her chest heaved as she tried to take in breaths through her sobs, how could she be so stupid that she completely left her journal open like that!?! And god she felt like a child for even drawing the heart around them in the first place but hell, she was trying the best she could with holding her feelings in.

Hearing her floorboards creek and a large warm hand lay on her back she sat up and latched onto her brother for dear life crying everything out she had been feeling for almost a whole month, Yeonjun rubbed his little sisters back slowly and knew what he needed to do...


I wonder if I should upload the next chapter today or tomorrow😂

I think I'll make y'all wait 🤭

| Plz enjoy and vote <3
1/7 Monday | 2023
💂 ©emilixes

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