004 | "First Stage Of Grief; Denial"

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Monday A Lee Sohee Story
Words: 822
Chapter 4 | "First Stage Of Grief; Denial"

☆ | "i tried to distance myself from you but i never liked being homesick, which is ironic because i was always told home is where the heart is" - deja dzenekoj

SLUGGING DOWN the hallway with her bag hung on her shoulder and her jean jacket practically swallowing her whole, Lynn honestly just wanted to melt into the warmth of her bed and blankets not having to see him today.

Him was Sohee, Lynn felt her pulse skyrocket just by thinking of his name. When Lynn woke up this morning she made to set her alarm and wake up early, something that she hasn't done in years. She texted Sohee as soon as she woke up telling him to not pick her up for school and that she could walk by herself, Lynn came to the conclusion that if she continued to be as close as she was to Sohee than her feelings would only get bigger and than everything would be fucked up- spending a little less time with him and giving him some space sounded like a easy fix.

Lugging her bag down the hallway and into the kitchen where Yeonjun was watching her, the blonde walked over to her brother and grabbed the peace of toast from his hand and gave him a smile. "Why are you up so early and where's Sohee?" He asked and Lynn sighed rubbing her eyes as she placed the peace of toast in her mouth biting a good chunk of it and swallowing "I'm up early so I could text him not to come and I just decided to walk by myself, I have some stuff to think about anyways", Yeonjun hummed still watching his sister place her homework and other things into her bag before slinging it back on her shoulder. "I'm off" Lynn waved to her brother and walked out the door, the cold wind nipped at her face but the girl honestly couldn't care less- she has a whole lot more on her mind right now.

Watching his sister walk out the door, Yeonjun tilted his head to the side and thought about what could be the cause of his little sister's sudden difference. A couple days ago he did hear Jiwoo talking to Lynn saying that her situation was one that could use a "girl friend" to help with, the only thing the boy could think of that involved two girl best friends keeping a secret from an older brother would be boy problems or a crush. Yeonjun had been thinking that Lynn had a crush on someone and he figured that by the way she had been acting recently it was one sided, but what did that have to do with her spending time away from Sohee?

MAKING HER way into the school building Lynn almost immediately spotted the three boys she met with every morning standing by Sohee's locker, Lynn felt a knot in the pit of her stomach squeeze tighter and tighter as he pulse skyrocketed just by looking at his pretty smile spread across his lips.

A warm hand placed itself on Lynn's shoulder, finching and zipping around to face the person who had just touched her Lynn was faced with the bright pretty brown eyes of Jiwoo. The brunette smiled towards Lynn and the blonde sighed in relief at the sight of the bubbly older girl, Lynn was glad it wasn't some rando or something. Jiwoo's eyes wandered over behind Lynn's shoulder to see a group of three boys standing together while one of them watched the two of them with a confused face, the brunette figured that those were Lynn's friends and all though all three of them were watching the two Jiwoo placed bets on that the shorter one the infamous Sohee- he looked at Lynn with different kind of eyes than everyone else in the hallway.

Jiwoo was in a year above Lynn and they had only just met a day prior but the two talked like they had been friends forever and they probably would have stood there and talked like that if the bell hadn't rang and interrupted there conversation, Jiwoo hugged the shorter girl and patted her on the head "don't worry about the whole situation, I have a feeling everything will work out" Lynn pursued her lips nodding her head and saying "I hope so" before the two waved goodbye and made there way to there classes.

As the blonde sat in her seat with her song journal open, random scribbles and feeling dumps were filling the once empty page in the pink Journal. Lynn continued to jot down her confusing conflicted feeling towards her best friend until her head pounded and she laid her face into the crook of her elbows letting out a muffled groan, "there can't be a way I have feelings for Sohee- I probably just need some time away from him and everything will be back to normal" she whispered to herself and closed her journal raking a hand through her long blond hair and waited for her teacher to come in.

I'm sorry this took so long for me to upload, I've been pretty busy and overwhelmed with some things 🥲

Also this chapter was supposed to be published yesterday but I had to go to the hospital due to personal reasons and couldn't get it out in time, plz forgive me!!! 🫶

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1/7 Monday | 2023
💂 ©emilixes

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