002 | "Ice Cream With Butterflies"

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Monday A Lee Sohee Story
Words: 1,253
Chapter 2 | "Ice Cream With Butterflies"

☆ | "my brain knew but my heart just wasn't ready" - runaway-disaster

WALKING DOWN the sidewalk side by side, Lynn and Sohee made there way to the ice cream parlor they went to every Saturday.

The blonde was tuning out the boy walking beside her as the words he was saying blurred out in her ears, her brain had been cranked into Sohee overdrive ever since her first period class on Monday. Lynn had caught herself so many times this week zoning out and thinking about her best friend in romantic situations, she had even had a dream about him last night! The two of them were sitting in her room watching there favorite show when his hand ghosted her knee and the his face started drifting towards her slowly, as soon as he had gotten close enough where his breath fanned her face her eyes shot open and her hand flew up to her mouth gently touching her lips where she could have sworn she'd actually felt his minty breath on her face- it felt wayyyyy to real for the girl.

"Lynn....are you ok?" Hearing his gentle voice call out her name, Lynn snapped back to reality and whipped her head to face his with eyes wide open "y-yeah! I'm totally fine...". Sohee nodded with a flicker of some kind of emotion in his eyes Lynn couldn't really pin point before he walked up to the door and opened it up waiting for her to walk in, the blonde felt her heart speed up but she immediately reminded herself that he was her best friend and he had basic manners.

Sliding into there not official- but pretty much assigned booth by the window, Lynn watched Sohee walk up to the counter to give the worker there orders. He had his signature toothy grin on his face causing his cheeks to raise so hight his eyes were practically invisible, her face began to heat up and butterflies began to flutter in the pit of her stomach. Slamming her head into her palms, Lynn continuously slammed her forehead against her hands aggressively. "He's your best friend Lynn! Get yourself together, you can't be drooling like this over him you idiot!" She internally screamed at herself now starting to get angry at the fact her feelings were fluctuating so drastically out of nowhere, she's known Sohee for many MANY years- she couldn't just all the sudden start to have feelings for him!

As said boy made it back to there booth he handed the blonde her ice cream cone, orange citrus was always the flavor she got and the boy had the order etched into his brain permanently. "Mr. Song went off on Seunghan today" he started as Lynn started on her ice cream while watching as his eyes light up while he was talking about this funny moment in class "he was causing a scene in the middle of our test teasing the girl sitting in front of him- he has a crush on her it's so obvious", Lynn rolled her eyes at the fact Seunghan the idiot had a crush on a girl who probably wanted nothing to do with him. "Mr. Song straight up pulled him by the collar out into the hallway and forced him to get on his knees and hold her books in the air until class was finished because she had turned around a slammed her book into the side of his head and Mr. Song had seen him bother her before", Lynn bursted out in laughter as her free hand made contact with the red table they were sat at.

She was thanking the girl for finally giving that stooge what he deserved and Mr. Song for finally doing something about the boys hindrance, as Lynn opened her mouth to speak back to the smiling boy sitting in front of her a thumb grazed her bottom lip causing her to gape and forget everything she was about to spew out. Sohee sat hovering out of his seat with his arm stretched out and a wide smile on his face before he sat back down popping his thumb into his mouth and grinning even wider "I totally forgot how good orange citrus was! I haven't had it in forever, can I have a bite", Lynn sat speechless as her mouth clamped shut and she quickly handed him her ice cream cone with her orange ice cream half eaten melting down the cone.

Her face was flaming and she was almost positive in was as red as there table, Lynn cleared her throat and picked at her thumbs until they were open wounds. As the boy handed the cone back to her- not before he replaced the sopping napkins around the cone that were covered in melted sticky ice cream, he started back up there conversation going from things that happened at school to music the blonde just sat and listened trying to pipe in every now and then pushing away the lingering feelings she was having so it would look as if she wasn't feeling any different at all.

SITTING DOWN on her bed pulling her soft pink blanket over her shoulders and cocooning herself in her covers, Lynn laid in bed with her fat black and white cat as she full on had a conversation with him- out loud.

"I've known the idiot since I was like what, 6? There's no way I actually have feelings for him" Lynn said as she rolled onto her back staring up at her popcorn ceiling, grunting as she pried herself out of her nest of blankets she made her way to her full body mirror. Her bare feet padded against the cold hard wood flooring and her reflection came into view, staring at herself the blonde was wearing her green princess and the frog pajama shorts and a one of Yeonjun's t-shirts that had a picture of his face on it from his graduation party. Looking at her reflection her thoughts came out vocally rather than in her head "I mean it wouldn't be a horrible thing to think he was handsome, it's obvious he is" her arms crossed over her chest and she turned in her heels to face Spoons who was now laying on his back at the corner of her bed "I just can't have feelings for him", going to sit back in her bed she pulled her blanket back over her lap and she stared at the soft fibers on the fabric as she fiddled with them.

"Liking him like- LIKE liking him would fuck up out friendship and I can't loose him...I can't" looking back over to the mirror where she had a few pictures taped on it of her and Sohee from all stages of there life's, no matter what her feelings are she refused to screw up what she had with the boy- he meant to much to her. Flopping down on her bed getting herself comfortable under her covers, Lynn drifted off to sleep with her mind set on she didn't actually have any feelings for Sohee and the feelings she WAS having were simply only friendly feelings. She didn't have a new found crush on him, no she was just happy that she had him as her friend and she was getting them confused because she was just tired and still getting used to going to school after summer break ended only a month ago. She would forget all about the little romantic day dreams because they didn't mean anything...they meant nothing.

I was originally gonna make these chapters shorter but I'm still trying to make up my mind 😭

Also I just finished learning get a guitar's corography!!! That leg move man.....it was not easy and I still look like a straight up chicken 💀🥲

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     💂 ©emilixes

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