009 | "Make Up Past Time"

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Monday A Lee Sohee Story
Words: 926
Chapter 9 | "Make Up Past Time"

☆ | "i'll make up for all the years i was supposed to be kissing you" - leo christopher

PULLING AWAY Lynn sniffled and let out a few horse coughs as she kept her eyes to the ground, Yeonjun wiped the stray tears away from her eyes with his thumb "Go after him".

Looking up to her brother with glossy eyes he nodded his head "go after him, he told me he'd be at the old playground you two used to play at- so go follow him", Lynn's breath hitched in her throat as she stood up wiping her face with the back of her hand. Her whole body felt like it was buzzing and by the look on her brother's face she knew he wasn't lying. Looking down she was wearing pajama shorts with Cookie Monster on them and a oversized Vampire Diaries t-shirt that had Stephen's face on it Sohee got her the first time they had a "watch party" binge-a-thon at his house when they were freshman, "It doesn't matter what you're wearing Lynn, hurry and go!". With that she grabbed her trusty old jean jacket and ran out the door, watching the door slam shut Yeonjun sighed "she's not wearing any shoes".

RUNNING AS fast as she could in the cold windy air of October, her bare feet padded against the concrete and cold dewy grass.

The cold wind slashed at her skin making it raw and her chest burned from the cold air infiltrating her sick lungs, her feet came to a stop as she made it to the old playground she had first met Sohee at all those years ago causing her heart to clench at the nostalgia of it all. Looking around frantically she couldn't find him anywhere, her glossy eyes zipped around frantically looking at places more than once just to see if he would be there at 2nd glance.

"Choi Lynn!" her heart stopped and she flung her head around to face the person who'd just called her name causing her long hair to completely fall out of her hair tie it was lazily being held up by, as she was faced to face with him now she ran up to him as fast as she could and grabbed his big warm hand into her smaller freezing one looking up to him with glassy and desperate eyes. "I am so so sorry!" She cried out "I love you so much I only just realized that but I have for a really long time- i didn't want to tell you because I wa-was scared I'd fuck this up" she gestured between the two of them, "But I don't care anymore because I love you- I'm positive about that now and want to spend the rest of my life by your side, weather that be in a relationship with you or watching you from the sidelines as you love someone else just please" she pleaded "don't drop our friendship".

Sohee stood in silence and Lynn's tears flowed even more down her face because she was sure she'd messed everything up, of course he didn't feel the same way about her- she knew this would happen when the time came and she told him her stupid feelings for him.

The boy pulled Lynn into a massive hug keeping her in his arms tightly and now her sons came even harder and her body wracked in his hold, burying his face into her hair Sohee let out a deep breath he had been holding in the entire time...he missed holding her. "Choi Lynn, I love you more than anything and I don't want you to sit on the side as you watch me fall for someone else because that's not possible" pulling away just enough to cup her face in his hands and look her in the eyes, Sohee tucked a peace of hair behind her ear as her hair was now cascading down her back having that it fall out of its ponytail holder while she was running around like a crazy person a few minutes prior, he sent her a warm smile as he pulled his sleeves up over his palm and dried her face with then before pulling his large jacket off and putting it over her small shivering figure.

"The secret I was keeping from you was that I love you, I've loved you for years now and I can't see myself loving anyone but you" Placing his hands over her cheeks Sohee tilted Lynn's chin up and pulled her face closer to him before meeting there lips met, suddenly Lynn wasn't freezing at all- in fact she was blazing up. His lips were soft just as she had daydreamed about all those past times, he tasted like spearmint and strawberry lip balm and Lynn couldn't get enough of it. Sohee hummed in content as the girl he'd loved for so long was finally his, all the time he had spent worrying that he'd loose her melted away as the smell of her perfume melted his thoughts away. His hands dropped down from her face to the base of her neck and the small of her back underneath her two jackets, the warmth of his hands made her Lynn melt into the kiss even more and the thought of getting to do this again made butterflies explode in her stomach.

Slowly pulling away Sohee pressed one last peck onto her glossy lips and checked the small girl out from head to toe, looking back up with a confused face the brunette flashed his heart fluttering smile and crinkled his nose-

"Your not wearing any shoes"


I didn't make you guys wait, I wouldn't do that to you!!! 🥰

The epilogue will be published tomorrow the same time the announcement chapter will be uploaded

Also happy late birthday to SEUNGHANNNNNNN🙌

Also happy late birthday to SEUNGHANNNNNNN🙌

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