007 | "Have I Been Replaced?"

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Monday A Lee Sohee Story
Words: 1,099
Chapter 7 | "Have I Been Replaced?"

☆ | "how do you tell someone that the reason why your sad is because you love them?" - j.e.o

Sohee's P.O.V

SOHEE SAT in his room at his desk trying to focus on his homework which in the end was a lost cause, all he could think about was Lynn and how she had been so...distant recently.

He missed her so much

Sighing as he dropped his mechanical pencil on his book he pushed off his desk and rolled over towards his bed to pick up his phone, clicking on Yeonjun's contact the boy sat there with his thumbs hovering over the keypad for a solid few minutes debating whether or not he should do this. When he finally clicked the boy typed one thing and then he'd delete it and start it over again rewording it and then end up deleting it all over again just to start it over another time, finally deciding to end it at "hey can you call me, it's important" he pressed send as his bottom lip was caught in between his teeth being shredded due to his nervousness.

Rolling back to his desk Sohee ruffled his hair with frustration causing it to stick up every which way, leaning his head back and letting out a anxious sigh his eyes looked up to the picture that was pinned onto his wall and a peace of paper that was ripped out from a very familiar journal pinned up with it. It was a picture of Lynn standing in a convention store with a crazy beanie that had two long strings hanging off the sides and a big pompom on the top of her head, her long blonde hair was about to her shoulders instead if where it sat now right above her waist in the photo and she stood in a starfish pose with one arm stretched out towards the camera. She held a bag of her favorite chips in one hand and in her other she held a bag of gummy worms, a big bright smile was etched onto her face and Sohee felt his heart flutter at how pretty her smile was.

Along with the photo a song she had written was pinned up as well, it was written in pink sparkly gel pen and it was labeled "yellow". Sohee rarely ever got to see her writing- nobody really did but she had let him read this one and he fell in love with it, Lynn let him keep it.

Hearing his phone ring the, Sohee scrambled to answer the call as his phone fumbled in his hands before he steadily placed it against his ear and answered it, hearing Yeonjun on the other line Sohee let out a breath trying to compose himself- why was he so skittish for? He'd talked to Yeonjun a many of times so what is so different now? "Hey- are you ok"the older boy asked as he could hear the younger's nervousness through the call, "I-it's not really anything..." Sohee swallowed "Lynn" he started "she's been acting a little different? Like she told me to stop walking her to school in the mornings and she's been hanging out with these two girls and a guy b-but like that's totally ok- I'm not mad at the fact she's hanging out with someone else or anything because s-she deserves to have other friends and all! B-but l-like she's just been really distant and I haven't actually heard from her in a few weeks now- OH! And she wasn't at school today and I didn't know if anything had happened and I was worried but I didn't want to like intrude on you guys o-or anything if she wanted space or something....".

Yeonjun's chuckles we're heard from the other end of the call and Sohee realized he had just rambled for a solid 3 minutes, licking his lips in embarrassment the boy heard Yeonjun respond. "Yeah I realized she's been distancing herself from you, Jiwoo my girlfriend- she's one of the girls Lynn has been hanging out with told me she's having boy problems but you know how girls are", Sohee's heart stopped and he felt himself internally panic. Yeonjun knew Sohee had been crushing on his sister since they were in the 5th grade and he knew he was freaking out right now because of said "boy problems", the older had a talk with his girlfriend on the way to her house and Jiwoo explained everything that had been going on with Lynn and Sohee. "Look Sohee, you can come over and I'll let you in to go talk to her" Yeonjun started "I know you love her a lot and I think I might have a good suspicion on who her "boy problems" surround as well but you need to hurry up and tell her before someone else snatched her up, ok?", Sohee nodded his head rapidly but knew the older couldn't see that so he responded with a "YES" that was a tad bit louder than he originally intended before saying goodbye and hanging up.

Letting out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding Sohee pushed out of his chair and flipped onto his bed, his heart hammerprepared in his chest as he told himself that tomorrow he'd have to tell the girl he'd loved for a long time his feelings and god he hoped he wouldn't screw everything up. As his eyes bored into his ceiling he thought back to the mall on Saturday and how Lynn was hanging out with three people he'd never seen anywhere, now that he knew they were Yeonjun's girlfriend and her friends it didn't make him feel as bad but deep in his head the thoughts of "did she just start losing interest in our friendship" and "was I replaced" ran full speed.

Sohee knew Lynn wasn't like that- that she would never replace anyone, he did remember hearing her say that she needed a few girl friends a few times before and that's what she got....along with another guy. Sohee shook those jealous thoughts off as Wonbin did say his name was Chenle and they were in the same class, the Chinese boy was always talking about his boyfriend so Wonbin told his him not to worry.

As he turned over to go to sleep his heart clenched at the last minute worry that when he told Lynn tomorrow how he had felt- how he felt now and had since 5th grade, she would never wanna see him again and drop the bomb saying she liked another guy or something. Sohee squeezed his eyes shut tightly to get rid of anymore thoughts and drifted off into sleep.

Hehehehe soooooo this chapter was in Sohee's POV.......

And I this book is almost finished :'(

I was also up all night finishing the rest of the chapters soooooooo be prepared 🤫

I was also up all night finishing the rest of the chapters soooooooo be prepared 🤫

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