003 | "Small, Tinsy, Tiny, Little, Microscopic Crush"

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Monday A Lee Sohee Story
Words: 1,456
Chapter 3 | "Small, Tinsy, Tiny, Little, Microscopic Crush"

☆ | "i'm afraid i will love you forever & we will never be in the same room again" - clementine von radics

ONE WORD to describe Choi Lynn right now would be defeated, the girl had told herself when she fell asleep Saturday night that come Monday every single little heart fluttering thought about Sohee would come to an end.

Laying sprawled out on the couch with her practically swimming in her long blonde hair, she had gotten back from school and obviously the thoughts had not stopped. Letting out a sigh digging the heels of her palms was into her eyes, Lynn stayed laying in her back letting her arms drop back onto the couch as her eyes bored into the ceiling. The second she saw him standing in her driveway that morning with his big smile on his face and his crazy thick hair sticking up in every direction her heart hammered against her ribcage, everything she had vowed Saturday night had dissolved that second and she tried her hardest to get through the day so she could come home a wallow in her own confusion.

Hearing the front door open and a few voices resonate through the house, Lynn stayed in her spot practically melting into the black cushions of the couch as Yeonjun and his friends made there way into the living room. "Are....you ok?" Yeonjun's voice called out in confusion, turning her head towards her brother Lynn saw him and his usual friends standing in the entrance to the hallway. Along with his normal friend group stood a girl Lynn had never seen before, "I'm fine" she told her brother in a not very convincing voice "I wouldn't be able to tell you anyways, your a guy and wouldn't understand".

She couldn't tell her older brother how she thinks she could have developed a crush on the boy who was supposed to be her best friend but is so confused and embarrassed by her own emotions she doesn't know how to come to terms with it- the blonde was is desperate need of a girl friend to talk everything out with, Lynn only had one friend and that was Sohee and that's how it had always sorta been. Yes she hung around Wonbin and Seunghan from time to time but she hated Seunghan and Wonbin was always quite around her, she couldn't really call them her friends. Looking back up to the popcorn ceiling with her hands clasped on her stomach, Lynn felt her eyes sting with embarrassment just at the thought of her liking Sohee. Yeonjun sighed in worry and his friends went to go back down the hallway to his room, the brunette girl placed a hand on the boy's shoulder gesturing for him not to worry and to go hang out with his friends. Kissing her on the cheek Yeonjun took one last glance at his little sister and left to his room, feeling the couch dip down and a presence sit down by her feet Lynn glanced down at the girl she still had yet to be introduced to.

"I see your in need of a girl friend" the brunette said with a closed lip smile, her light brown eyes sparkled and her freckled face gave Lynn a friendly feeling "I'm Han Jiwoo, a close friend of your brother". Lynn sat up recuperating the smile and raked a hand through her hair, looking down at her hands as she fumbled with the sleeves of her shirt her head nodded and a heavy feeling sat on her chest. "I- I kinda have a problem..." she started with a sad laugh already feeling hot tears prickle at the back of her eyes "It sounds stupid", Jiwoo shook her head and placed a hand on her knee "I'm sure if it's making you this upset than it's not stupid". Sensing that Lynn needed to let everything out Jiwoo gave her another smile "you can tell me, I promise I'll keep it just between us", Lynn watched as the brunette held up a pinky just as Sohee always did when it came to secrets. Linking there pinkies Jiwoo sat quietly as she waited for Lynn to speak up, "well....I thing I might have some feelings f-for my best friend".

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