006 | "Feeling Like Death"

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Monday A Lee Sohee Story
Words: 1,470
Chapter 6 | "Feeling Like Death"

☆ | "i choose to love you in silence, because in silence i feel no rejection" - rumi

YEONJUN SAT in Lynn's bathroom rubbing soothing circles on her back as he fought off the sleep that was trying to creep up on him, the boy had been up all night with his little sister who was sick as a dog.

Lynn had been fine the day before seeing as he had gotten home from Soobin's house around 1pm and she had been sitting on the couch watching vampire diaries as she did most of the time, it was a little off putting for the boy though seeing as she was by herself and not with the Lee boy she spent so much time with- she was actually on the phone with what it sounded like Jiwoo talking about three guys they ran into? Yeonjun didn't really know but the thought of Lynn not hanging out with Sohee much these past couple weeks had crossed his head causing him to shift his weight to his left leg and think for a second but eventually he just shrugged it off and left her alone. Now that he had helped the small blonde into her bed, the boy left to the kitchen to make her the soup there mom did every time they would get sick when they were little.

LYNN LAID in bed with a splitting headache and an unsettled stomach, she had already thrown up everything in her system at this point but she was somehow still very nauseous.

Burning up from her fever the blonde girl laid outside of her covers with her legs sprawled out and her arms up draped over her face blocking out the light that was making her pounding headache even worse, she had shorts and one of Yeonjun's big t-shirts on that basically swallowed her whole but she honestly couldn't care right now- she felt like absolute death right about now and all she wanted was her moms good ass soup. Hearing two knocks at her door Lynn told them to come in and Jiwoo walked into the room with Yeonjun standing in the doorway with a small smile on his lips, the older girl sat next to Lynn on the edge of her bed, she gave her a smile and pushed the hair that was damp and stuck to the sick girls forehead caused by her cold sweat away and out of her face before waving her hand for Yeonjun to hurry up and walk in with the hot soup.

As Lynn sat up with the help of Jiwoo, Yeonjun placed a hot bowl  that was sitting on a tray on Lynn's lap. The blonde pulled her long hair up into a very messy top knot and sniffled with a horse cough, slowly taking a bite of the steaming food she immediately felt better as the hot steamy soup helped open up her stuffy nose some and soothed her raw and inflamed throat. Lynn exhaled with another cough and continued to eat spoonfuls of the soup that was so nostalgic, she gets sick like this every year around this time and when she was younger her mom made the special soup for her and it always made it feel better.

Getting a text Yeonjun pulled his phone out of his back pocket and quickly read over it before he excused himself and left to go call someone leaving the two girls together in Lynn's room alone, "you and Yeonjun seem pretty close, like he seems really happy when he's with you" Lynn said as the brunette girl gave a smile and a small chuckle before scratching the back of her neck, "we're kinda dating, it's only been about a month and a half but I really like him". Lynn's spoon stopped midway to her mouth before she placed it back in her bowl and gave Jiwoo wide eyes "wait...your dating my brother", Jiwoo cleared her throat as her eyes wavered around the room before staying put on Lynn's face "yeah" she replied quickly and quietly. Lynn's brows furrowed and her head tilted to the side as she looked at Jiwoo with confusion very obviously written on her face "why didn't he ever bring you up before that day you came over and we met for the first time?" The blonde looked towards her bedroom door and lifted her finger up in a pointing motion about to say something but put it back down facing the brunette again, "he tells me a lot and I'd imagine he'd tell me about you...". Lynn's voice drifted off as she watched Jiwoo's eyes turn sad and her hands fiddle with the rills in her jeans, pushing her hands out towards the moping girl Lynn shook her head "NOT THAT IM MAD OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT!!!" Her horse voice yelled out in a assortment of cracks. Jiwoo lightly chuckled again "he actually was gonna let me tell you when I felt the most comfortable, it just so happened that your one of my best friends now", Lynn returned the smile Jiwoo was giving her and the two girls reached out and hugged each other.

As the two girls laughed together Lynn had told Jiwoo she was still on the fence about confronting Sohee, she had come to terms with the fact she had to tell him- she knew that she couldn't just keep all of this a secret forever even though every fiber in her body told her that that's exactly what she should be doing. Jiwoo placed a hand on Lynn's knee leaning in a little to seriously talk to the blonde, "I know everything may seem really scary right now, but I promise that if he is your best friend like you say he is- he will listen to you and not throw away your friendship like that". Lynn knew the older girl was right and it terrified her "you and I both know that this whole distance thing isn't going to work in the long run and he knows something's going on with you two, all you have to do is talk it out with him and confess", Lynn nodded her head and the two girls talked about different things until it was time for Jiwoo to go home. Yeonjun was taking her so Lynn bid her brother and his girlfriend goodbye as she laid back down in her bed closing her eyes and letting out a deep breath- her cold coming back with a mean and painful vengeance.

Lynn rolled on her side as she was now cocooned in her comforter facing her desk where her cork board hung on the wall her desk was pushed up against, as her eyes scanned over all the photos pinned up with miscellaneous colored pushpins- a certain polaroid caught her eye. It was one she had taken with Sohee in there last year of middle school, the two of them did the talent show together winning 1st place that year- Sohee singing while Lynn played her acoustic guitar her mother had gifted her that Christmas. The photo was of her and Sohee standing side by side with Lynn's mom and Yeonjun standing behind her with big smiles and Sohee's mom and dad standing behind him with matching expressions, sniffling as she kicked out of her covers she made her way to her desk where her song journal sat open and she began to write down all her emotions- how she had finally come to terms with loving Sohee as more than a friend, wishing that he would reciprocate those feelings and how she didn't want to mess up there friendship that means so much to her even though that was the worst case scenario- in her mind it was the only scenario that played out.

Sohee was there through it all, he saw her at her worst....

Biting the inside of her cheek she remembered that every other time she had been sick during this time of year Sohee was the first person she texted and he'd be there with her to watch vampire diaries until she felt better, those days were full of her thirsting over Stephen and full on shitting on Damien along with Mat who she also disliked A LOT. He had gotten her through her moms passing when she thought she'd never be the same again, those days- that whole year and a half was a blur full of dark, crying messes and many many panic attacks that her best friend got her through with his fucking perfect ass smile.

Lynn walked back over to her bed after writing her heart out- literally and laid back down. She stared up at the ceiling hoping that she'd get the courage to tell Sohee about her love for him sometime soon because if she didn't...she feared he'd find out the worst way ever.

This chapter is the calm before the storm my friends and fellow Sohee lovers

The lohee shippers....y'all need to strap in and get ready😭

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