005 | "Catching Fire"

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Monday A Lee Sohee Story
Words: 1,453
Chapter 5 | "Catching Fire"

☆ | "if you could see my thoughts you would see our faces"
- Frank ocean

A FEW weeks had gone by with Lynn having little to no contact with Sohee- her best friend she talked to pretty much every day since the 1st grade, the girl was trying her hardest to distance herself from the boy because that was what would help her get rid of these feelings and then everything would go back to normal...or at least that's what she's telling herself.

During these last few weeks she had been spending more and more time with Jiwoo as she was the only one to know about her "boy delma", the blonde was even added to a group chat of Jiwoo's friends Yuna and Chenle. Yuna is in the same grade as Lynn and Sohee so Lynn walked to class with her. Chenle was in Jiwoo's grade so the were normally together most days also, the four of them sat at lunch together and hung out to get Lynn's mind off of Sohee and all her jumbled up feelings for the boy with a sweet smile.

The four friends were now walking around the mall laughing and talking about different things, Lynn kept a smile on her face but she couldn't help but be absorbed by the thought of Sohee- that she missed Sohee a hell of a lot more than she would care to admit and her stomach still did backflips if not even more than they did in the first place just at the thought of his name. The girl missed the way he would smile at her when they were talking about random stuff while he walked with her on there way to school, she missed there little ice cream shop visits where they would talk so much her ice cream would melt down her cone and onto her hand because she was to immersed in talking with the boy who gave her butterflies, she even missed when the two of them would sit in her room doing nothing but watching there favorite TV show in complete silence under her huge cream colored blanket that had teddy bears on it he had given to her for Christmas a few years back. Lynn snapped out of her thoughts though when Chenle announced that he was hungry as he always was and the group of four headed to there way to the food court, watching her feet as they walked Lynn looked up to nod at Jiwoo when she and Chenle said they'd go order the food.

Yuna linked her arm with Lynn and the two girls made there way to an empty table to sit down, the two girls talked about how Chenle was always hungry even when he had just eaten a few hours earlier and that he probably eats his parents out of house and home. Lynn's brain completely shut down and went on security alert mode when she caught a glimpse of Lee Sohee from across the food court, her heart sped up so fast she could hear it pumping in her ears- it almost felt like it would leap out her chest and right into her hands along with her palms becoming clammy and sweaty causing her to anxiously drag them on her jeans to dry them but also simultaneously ground herself.

Soon to her heart's dismay her eyes were locked onto his pretty soft brown ones as his head turned her way and it felt like her whole body had erupted in flames, scalding her skin as if she was catching fire and making her immediately look down at her burger Jiwoo had brought her. Lynn hadn't even noticed Jiwoo and Chenle had made it back to the table from ordering the food, taking a bite of her burger and a few long gulp of her cold sprite causing her nose to scrunch up at the spicy-like feeling in her throat Lynn sat in complete silence hoping and praying she wouldn't crack under the temptation and look up at Sohee again.

Chenle noticed something was off with the way Lynn was staring down at her food biting the inside of her cheek and shaking her leg underneath there table, knowing that Lynn was definitely not acting like her usual self the boy with the blue highlights nudged his bony elbow into Jiwoo's side causing her to yelp in surprise and pain before slapping him in the arm. Giving the boy a "what the fuck do you want" look with her eyebrows furrowed and lips pursed, Chenle nodded his head discreetly towards the group of three boys standing in the corner of the food court. Jiwoo recognized them as the same three boys she had seen watching her and Lynn in the hallway a few days earlier at school, the same boy that was giving the blonde puppy dog eyes was living up to that title because there he stood with his hands in his overall pockets, head tilted to the side and the same puppy dog eyes he had on last time. That was Sohee, Jiwoo was 100% about that- and when the brunette looked over to her friend seeing her face still practically shoved into her burger she was 101% sure.

Jiwoo's eyes wandered over to the tallest out of the three as he placed his hand on Sohee's shoulder, shaking it, telling him something and gestured for him to follow him and the other boy out of the food court. Sohee took one last look at Lynn before taking a hand through his very spiky and messy hair before walking after his two friends, Jiwoo turned her gaze back to the table of her friends and made a mental note to call Lynn once she got home to talk to her about Sohee and the other three boys.

LYNN WALKED into her house only to find a yellow sticky note stuck to the fridge that read "went out with Soobi and the boys, there's some cash in the everything jar for you to get some food at the 7/11 down the road. Call me if anything happens, love you lynnie", Lynn sighed and walked over to the old white cookie jar sitting on the counter and pulling up the lid to see a ziplock baggy with 30 dollars in it. The two siblings called this old white cookie jar the Everything Jar because that's what there mom had dubbed it when she would leave to go hang out with some friends or have to stay out at work late and would leave money there for them along with everything else the small little family kept in there. Lynn was almost positive about anything and everything had been kept in that jar at one point but cookies like the jar was intended and made to keep, the blonde sluggishly dragged her feet into the living room and dropped herself onto the couch- she felt defeated, absolutely and utterly exhausted and defeated.

If she continued to ignore her feelings for Sohee and take a break from hanging out with him like she had been doing for about a week now, she could possibly loose him as a friend and she didn't want that. That was the whole reason she was distancing herself from the boy! But she knew that if she continued to see him like normal as if nothing had changed for her and keep her feelings a secret, the feelings would only get worse and grow which would lead to her having to tell him about them and then that would lead to him dumping her as his friend and never wanting to see her again. Lynn felt tears prick at her eyes, she would never see his pretty smile again- or at least not directed to her. She would never get to laugh with him about how Stephen was obviously the better choice and not Damien when the two of them would watch vampire diaries for the hundredth time, Lynn would never get to play with his crazy head of hair that was always somehow messy and sticking up in all sorts of directions- the two of them would joke around and say everyday was always a bad hair day for him but Lynn never actually thought that, in fact that was one of her favorite things about him.

It felt like every ending or solution to this stupid crush of hers ended up with her getting shunned by her best friend and love of her life, Lynn didn't know if she could physically take that after her mom- that practically ended her then. The only reason she made it through that huge devastating loss was because of Sohee, she loved him and......holy shit-

She Loved him.

So I finally updated 🥲
This past week had been actually hell on earth and I have been up and down from the hospital for personal reasons like I said- but I will say it wasn't for me! I am fine but that's all I will say

Here's a picture of Sohee to apologize for my absence as being the only Sohee book is a very heavy title I carry on my back rn 😭😭

Here's a picture of Sohee to apologize for my absence as being the only Sohee book is a very heavy title I carry on my back rn 😭😭

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