Chapter 10 : Lost in the Morning Sunlight

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A/N-It might come across as a tad overdramatic and unrealistic. However, it sounded so good in my head since the day I started writing that I didn't want to erase it. So, yeah.


The relentless morning sun had declared a personal vendetta against my closed eyelids. I groaned, trying to shield myself from this offensive intrusion. In my semi-conscious state, I reached out blindly, seeking the reassuring presence of my pillow. But instead, I found myself grasping at thin air.

With an indignant huff, I begrudgingly opened my eyes, blinking against the offensive brightness. But what greeted me was far from the familiar sight of my bedroom. The pieces of the puzzle slowly fell into place – I wasn't nestled in my cozy bed; I was in a car.

My half-awake brain struggled to process this bewildering situation. I glanced around, absorbing the unfamiliar surroundings. Panic slowly tiptoed in as I realized I had zero recollection of how I'd ended up in this alien vehicle.

Memories of the previous night slowly trickled into my consciousness: the relentless rain, the pounding music, and the car ride. It all seemed like a blur, and I couldn't quite recall how I'd transitioned from that chaotic scene to this peaceful yet perplexing car.

With a growing sense of unease, I reached for my lifeline – my phone. My fingers found it, but as I pressed the power button, it remained ominously dark. Dead. Panic threatened to engulf me as I stared at the lifeless screen. How had my phone died, and where in the world was I?

Every single muscle in my body was aching, a not-so-subtle reminder of the uncomfortable position I'd slept in and the less-than-ideal choice of attire for a nap. 

My foot, thanks to the treacherous heels I had worn, was now riddled with shoe bites. Well, thank you, heels, I really appreciate it.

The air in the car felt oppressively heavy, and a gnawing sense of unease settled over me like a storm cloud. I gazed out the window, my heart thudding in my chest as I came to a chilling realization – I had absolutely no idea where I was. There were no familiar landmarks, no comforting signs of home – just endless rows of trees and an enormous, ominous mansion that loomed on the horizon like a malevolent giant.

My thoughts raced, desperately attempting to reconstruct the puzzle pieces of the night's events that had led me to this bizarre and unsettling situation. I could recall the rain, the raucous party, and the thumping music. And then, the car ride, but everything after that seemed to have been erased from my memory, as if a malevolent hand had wiped it clean.

A shiver of dread crept down my spine as my mind played sinister tricks on me. Did Ethan, of all people, kidnap me? The notion seemed absurd, but then again, I couldn't fathom why else I'd find myself in this predicament. It wasn't like he needed money – the guy was fucking rich. Was he involved in something even darker, like a nefarious scheme to sell people? It sounded preposterous, especially given our less-than-friendly history, but my mind clung to the darkest possibilities.

The mansion in the middle of nowhere only fueled my escalating paranoia. It was the kind of place where horrifying stories of human trafficking often took root. Was this, absurd as it seemed, some kind of twisted side business for him?

A pang of regret shot through me, and I couldn't help but wish I'd taken my chances and walked home last night.

Desperation and confusion swirled within me like a tempest, and I began to scan the car for any clues. My purse lay abandoned on the floor, its contents scattered as if in a hurry. I picked it up, my trembling hands fumbling to gather my belongings.

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