Chapter 11: Serendipity

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I couldn't help but let out a wicked chuckle as I looked back at the past week. My job had devoured me whole, serving up thrilling challenges and exciting projects like an all-you-can-eat buffet. While I was head over heels for my work, there was this one little itch that begged to be scratched—my beloved Marvel movies.

As I sat at my desk, buried under a mountain of reports and emails, I couldn't help but drift into daydreams of the Avengers' epic battles and Tony Stark's snarky one-liners. It had been an eternity since I'd lost myself in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and boy, did I crave it.

I mean, Ethan wasn't joking when he said he would be a pain in my ass.

"Maybe I can sneak in a movie night this weekend," I mused to myself, a glimmer of excitement in my eyes. The thought of cozying up on the couch with a bowl of popcorn and watching my favorite superheroes in action was enough to keep me motivated through the busy workweek.

As I battled the paperwork dragons and email monsters, I couldn't help but daydream about the possibility of revisiting my Marvel buddies. Even superheroes needed a breather, and I was no exception to the rule.

But life had a knack for throwing curveballs my way. Short deadlines, and Ethan's uncanny ability to summon work emails at unearthly hours, conspired to thwart my movie night plans. Just last night, I had been all set to watch a horror flick with Claire, and lo and behold, at the stroke of 9:30 pm, an email popped up, announcing a deluge of impending files. Talk about a mood crasher.

I shook my fist at the computer screen and muttered, "Ethan, you're the villain in my movie night saga. Move over, Thanos!"

As I weighed my workload and the ever-elusive mall project Ethan had tantalizingly dangled before me, frustration began bubbling within.

I'd paid his cabin six surprise visits this week, only to find Kaitlyn saying, "He is too busy right now, and honestly, I don't think he's interested in working with you."

Oh, right. So, he's either caught in an eternal time warp or diligently avoiding me. I would settle on the second option nonetheless.

As I sipped my coffee, my thoughts took a rebellious turn. I couldn't help but think, "Oh, Ethan, I'm sure you're just saving the mall project for a special occasion, like my birthday, Christmas, or when pigs start flying. Well, I'm done playing hide-and-seek with you."

But then, a wave of determination washed over me. I was tired of waiting, tired of being left in the dark. "Fuck what Kaitlyn says," I thought, setting my coffee cup down with newfound resolve. "It's time to face the consequences."

With determination in my stride, I decided it was time to stop waiting around. I was going to barge right into Ethan's office. After all, even superheroes needed to take matters into their own hands sometimes.

I took a deep breath, mentally bracing myself for the showdown ahead. Chin up, shoulders back, I marched down the hallway, determined to confront Ethan once and for all.

As I breezed into Ethan's office, Kaitlyn's judgmental gaze bore into my soul, silently delivering a dissertation on workplace etiquette. Well, today wasn't about following the rulebook; it was about ripping out the pages.

Kaitlyn's lips parted, ready to release one of her signature passive-aggressive missiles, but I was already inside Ethan's domain before she could launch her attack.

Now, what awaited me inside was a scene straight out of a heartwarming family movie. There sat Ethan, his icy exterior thawed, with a little girl perched like a queen on his lap. Their smiles radiated genuine warmth, a side of Ethan I'd never witnessed before.

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