Chapter 15 : Miscommunications

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The bustling office cafeteria buzzed with activity, and the heady aroma of caffeine was thick in the air. Amongst the clamor, I found myself seated across from my dear friend and co-conspirator in all things office-related, Blake. We had finally managed to escape our respective mountainous piles of work and had sought refuge in our sacred cafeteria corner.

I savored a sip of my cappuccino, letting the familiar flavors transport me back to my comfort zone. With a wistful smile, I looked across the table at Blake. "Oh, Blake, you have no idea how much I've missed this place. And you, of course," I admitted, a hint of longing in my voice.

Blake's eyes sparkled mischievously as he leaned in, resting his chin on his folded hands. "Missed this place, you say? Or is it the cafeteria food that you're truly in love with?"

A chuckle escaped my lips. "Well, it's a package deal. But mostly, it's the company."

"Well, Italy was amazing, and the pastas were more than incredible. Thank you for asking," Blake replied with a grin. "Now, spill the tea you have for me."

He leaned in closer, his eyes shining with curiosity, ready for the scoop. As the cafeteria buzzed around us, we found our oasis, momentarily escaping the corporate storm.

I mirrored his enthusiasm and leaned in closer. "Okay, you won't believe this, but you know our CEO, Ethan."


Blake's eyes were wide open as he marveled at the absurdity of it all, his hand instinctively covering his mouth to stifle an exclamation. "My god, Kiara, did I miss a Shakespearean drama here? I'm glad I was in Italy while you were driving around with CEOs."

I couldn't help but grin at his reaction. "Do you know how bad that sounds, 'driving around with CEOs'? And not multiple CEOs, for fuck's sake."

Blake was quick to grasp the humor in the situation and snickered, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Wasn't that the point? To make it sound bad?"

"Am I getting invited to the wedding?" Blake asked with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

I raised a perfectly arched eyebrow and replied with mock seriousness, "Of course, Blake. We're planning a grand ceremony with a pasta-themed wedding cake. You're the guest of honor, and your plus one can be a pizza."

Blake couldn't help but let out a hearty laugh, echoing across the cafeteria. At this point, we had undoubtedly captured the attention of curious onlookers. He leaned back in his chair, wiping away imaginary tears of amusement.

Amused by his reaction, I continued with the playful banter. "Yes, Blake, we're even thinking of hiring a spaghetti twirling acrobat for the entertainment." 

As Blake and I shared a laugh about the ludicrous wedding plans, the cafeteria door swung open with a dramatic flourish. In walked Kaitlyn, our "most sociable" colleague, with an entrance that demanded attention. She strolled over to our table, her gaze fixed on Blake.

With the grace of a panther, Kaitlyn sauntered over to our table, her gaze locking onto Blake like a heat-seeking missile. "Hey, Kiara," she purred, her eyes never leaving Blake's. "Wouldn't you like to introduce me to this gentleman here?"

I sighed, introducing them while fervently hoping that this unwelcome interruption would soon dissipate. "Yes, Kaitlyn, this is Blake, and Blake, this is Kaitlyn."

However, Kaitlyn had a different agenda. She casually parked herself on Blake's lap, and by the look on his face, he seemed uncomfortable with the sudden invasion of his personal space.

As Kaitlyn cozied up on Blake's lap, I fought the urge to roll my eyes. She was known for her audacious flirting and her relentless pursuit of any available man, regardless of the context.

"So, Blake, I don't think we've had the pleasure of getting to know each other," Kaitlyn purred, tracing a finger along his jawline. Blake shifted uncomfortably, clearly not in the mood for her advances.

"Well, we're getting to know each other now," I chimed in, my tone considerably less enthusiastic than Kaitlyn's.

Blake shot me a look, silently begging for assistance, but Kaitlyn wasn't one to be swayed so easily.

Ignoring his unspoken plea, Kaitlyn leaned in even closer, her lips dangerously close to his ear. "You know, I can show you a much better time than Kiara here, I can be your escape from the corporate jungle, you know." she whispered, a wicked glint in her eyes.

Blake subtly shifted his face away from Kaitlyn, his gaze meeting mine, seeking salvation from the absurdity. "I'm married, and I'm planning to stay that way," he replied firmly, putting an end to Kaitlyn's flirtatious advances.

Unable to resist, I chimed in, adding to Blake's final words, "I think that's your cue to get off him."

Kaitlyn moved, and while fixing her hair, she said, "Such a shame indeed. But you know, if you're ever done with Kiara, you know where to find me." She took a tissue paper, made her lipstick imprint on it, dropped it, and made her way out.

As Blake and I shared that unspoken connection, laughter bubbled up, and we couldn't contain it any longer.

"Well, in your language, she's a 'behne ki laudi,' right?" Blake asked, using a Hindi phrase that would best describe Kaitlyn's behavior.

Translation : sister's dick

"Ah, someone's Hindi is top-notch," I replied with a hint of pride, a chuckle escaping my lips.

 The tension Kaitlyn had brought into the cafeteria was gone, leaving behind the ease of our regular camaraderie.


I stood by a marble pillar in the atrium, savoring the velvety taste of freshly brewed espresso. It was a rare moment of tranquility amid the corporate mayhem, and I aimed to make the most of it.

Kaitlyn, one of my more "intriguing" subordinates, approached. Her polished demeanor was as impeccably constructed as ever, and her smile concealed the ambitions lurking beneath the surface.

"Ethan, what can I assist you with today?" she inquired, her tone matching her façade.

I let out an inward sigh, feeling the weight of my responsibilities pressing upon me. I wasn't in the mood for pleasantries. "Kaitlyn, drop the act. Schedule a meeting with Kiara in 15 minutes."

Kaitlyn's perfectly arched eyebrow quirked upward ever so slightly, but she maintained her sugary tone. "Oh, Mr. Millon, you'll find this quite entertaining. Kiara is currently wrapped up in an emotional tête-à-tête with her husband in the cafeteria. I'd hate to intrude on their 'personal' time."

My patience wore thin, and I adopted a more assertive tone. "Kaitlyn, this is the office. There's no concept of 'personal' time during working hours."

She responded with an air of defiance. "Well, it seems there's a new interpretation in town."

Kaitlyn subtly gestured toward a nearby table where Kiara and another man were engrossed in their conversation, their laughter ringing through the office space. They seemed entirely lost in their own world.  "Look at Kiara and Blaze. Quite the pair, aren't they?"

I couldn't help but wonder how Kiara had managed to omit such a vital detail as her marital status. She had a knack for getting carried away with the most irrelevant details while omitting essential information.

With an exasperated glance, I couldn't help but scoff, "Kaitlyn, this is the office, not a matchmaking service. Get the meeting scheduled, I need her in my office  in 15 minutes. We have tasks to complete, and I expect the highest level of professionalism."

Unperturbed by my stern tone, Kaitlyn remained poised and replied, "Of course, Mr. Millon, Right away."

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