Chapter 9

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After a tasty meal, the crew relaxes in their respective rooms with the connecting door open

"Ok I'm getting bored, scrolling through the web is getting annoying" Sean says tossing his phone to his side

"We you can always explore around the area" Corey mumbles cuddling her Shinx while Quilava and Buizel are curled up on the pillows

"Hm, I think that's a great idea. Thanks Core-Door" Sean teases grabbing his poke balls and jacket

"Take Mikey with you, along with your phone so we can contact you" Corey added pulling the comforter over her head

"Ok, I'll grab my stuff" Mike says getting up from the desk

Corey grumbles under the comforter

"Boots, care to join us?" Mike asks, putting his pokeballs on his belt

Before anyone could get in another word in, Corey let's put a small whine

"I believe Corey wants someone to stay here with her" Boots says with a chuckle, looking at the curled up Corey under the comforter

Mike chuckles and pats Boots on the back "take care of her bud"

"You got it" Boots says walking towards his bag

"Bui!" Buizel says softly, crawling under the comforter with Shinx and Corey

"Hey Corey, I got you a little something" Boots says sitting next to Corey

"Hm? Yeah what's up?" Corey asks poking her head out of the comforter bundle

Boots holds out his hand "thought you could use a little sugar"

Corey looks at his hand as he holds a chocolate bar "thanks Boots!" She sits up in the bed and opens it up

"And for our champion squad" Boots says holding out his other hand "only the best berries"

Boots holds out Oran Berries for Corey's squad and they all rush to get some "Quil!" "Bui!" "Shinx!" Her squad squeaks in excitement

"Oran Berries? Where'd you get those?" Corey asks as she looks at her team munching away

"Before we got to the rooms I bought some, I thought they would enjoy them" Boots says with a gentle smile

"You're too kind Boots" Corey says curling back into her comforter mound

"Um, Corey?" Boots asks nervously

"What's up Boots?" Corey replies softly

"Would you like to go to dinner with me?" Boots asks

Corey sits up from her bundle and smiles "I'd love to"

Boots closes the separation door and let's Corey get dressed from her sweatpants and hoodie into a cute pair of jeans and a nice jacket

Corey then knocks on the separating door. Boots opens the door to be dressed in a nice buttoned up shirt and jeans.

They grab their poke balls and phones and walk out the hotel together. Laughing and seeing the town, Boots notices Corey's eyes, he stares lovingly into her eyes "gosh she's got pretty eyes" he thinks to himself

"So Boots, what do you think looks good to eat?" Corey asks  "um Boots?"

Boots blinks and replies with "could you repeat that?"

Corey giggles and asks again "what do you think looks good to eat?"

"I think the sushi restaurant looks delicious" Boots says with a smirk, knowing her favorite is sushi

"Perfect! I love sushi!" Corey exclaims with a bounce

The two get a booth and talk about each other and the upcoming events

"Who do you think will want to battle Master Numa tomorrow?" Corey asks while fiddling with her chopsticks

"I would love to go next but I think Sean is dying to get that badge" Boots says with a shrug, glancing over to the menu

The waitress comes by and takes their order, the two continue chatting about life before the expedition began. Corey's past, Boots' past, how she met Sean and Mike and everything in between

The two receive their sushi rolls and eat calmly without being rushed

"It's nice being able to talk about myself without getting one up-ed from Sean or bombarded with information by Mike" Corey says popping another piece of sushi in her mouth

"Im glad, I love listening" Boots says in a comforting tone biting into his final piece of sushi

The two continue talking and finishing their meals

"Let me pay Boots, please" Corey whines holding her card out

"Absolutely not, you won your Pokémon battle with Ms. Numa, it's my treat" Boots retaliates

The waiter takes Boots' card and scurries off

"Alright deal, then when you win your battle with Ms. Numa, it's my treat to you" Corey says poking Boots with a chopstick

Boots and Corey share a laugh and continue converting

The waiter returns with Boots' card and the two traverse through the town as the sun dips below the mountains

"We should probably head back, the others could be back" Boots says with a sigh, wanting to spend more one on one time with Corey

Corey glances at her phone, "oh yeah, Sean just asked where we were"

Looking over to Boots seeing his mood drop Corey chimes in, "but hey remember, when you defeat Ms. Numa, we can have another night to ourselves"

Boots smiles his calm smile and nods in approval "yes ma'am"

The duo arrives back at the hotel and enter the room

"Bout time, ya goobers" Sean says spinning in the desk chair the hotel provides revealing his Charmander asleep on his lap

"Did y'all enjoy the evening?" Mike asks while holding his Gibble

"I surely did, did you Boots?" Corey asks letting out Quilava

"I definitely did" Boots replies with a warm smile releasing his Chimchar out of its pokeball

The crew converse until Corey resides and crawls into her bed holding her partner close

The crew converse until Sean pops the number one question, "So who will battle Master Numa tomorrow?"

"It all depends on who wants to" Mike replies

"I think Sean should go next" Boots suggests not wanting to take initiative

"Sure, alright. Charmander and my team will sweep through Master Numa's gym" Sean declares confidently

"Then it is decided, Sean, you will battle Master Numa tomorrow" Mike says getting a little too comfortable on his bed

"Alright, let's get some sleep. Another big day for us" Sean says while heading towards the fresher

The boys gets all cozy in their beds and say good night to each other while Corey is fast asleep

"I hope I can find that strange Pokémon again soon" Sean whispers to Mike

"I'm sure we can look around after your battle with Master Numa" Mike whispers back

"Yeah... let's do that" Sean says looking directly at the ceiling, lost in his own thoughts

Before either boys could continue their conversation, they both fall asleep

Once again however, a faint roar from the woods was heard...

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