Chapter 4

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The team carry on, deeper into the woods chatting about life and the dream team they want to all build

"Just sayin, my team will be the best" Sean says putting his arms out in a victorious position

"Oh hush, you don't even stand a chance against mine" Mike says poking at Sean's chest so he's stop posing

Boots looks at Corey, "gosh she's beautiful" he thinks to himself Before he could look away Corey's eyes meet his gaze and they both awkwardly look away

"He's really cute" Corey thinks to herself as she kicks a rock forward

"Ok love Pidoves, name your dream teams" Sean says walking backwards to face Boots and Corey

Corey looks up from her own thoughts and responds with "hm"

The team stops walking to look at Corey.   "Um you ok Core?" Sean asks placing his hand on her shoulder

"Yeah I'm fine, just in my thoughts again" Corey says with an awkward smile

"You were staring almost straight down Corey, somethings up, you don't usually stare straight down" Mike says

"Just in deep thought that's all" Corey says brushing off Sean's hand. "I'm ok"

Corey looks over to Boots who had a slightly worried look on his face "Are you sure Corey?"

"Yes! Yes! Great Arceus I'm fine" Corey says with a stern tone, hinting for the boys to let it go

"Ok ok..." Sean says backing up with his arm out "so what's the dream team?" Poking at the subject again

"I'm not sure specifically but, I want a well balanced team with good type coverage" Corey says with a shrug

"That's smart Corey" Mike says continuing forward

"Boots?" Corey asks   No response   She turns around and Boots is looking round a tree and motions for her to look

Corey and the boys walk over and Boots points towards a group of Shinx

"Oh they're adorable, I think a Shinx would be a good addition to the team" Corey says creeping closer

"Be careful, they can be aggressive, I want a strong electric type too. Let's watch each other's backs" Boots says moving beside Corey

They move towards the Shinx but two of the Shinx notice them and run up with big smiles

"Oh hi buddy" Boots says to the Shinx that ran up to him while getting down on one knee

"Hello little one!" Corey says to her Shinx friend

The Shinx that ran up to Corey jumps into her arms

"Aweee that's adorable!" Boots says looking over with admiration   "Gosh she's cute" he thinks to himself

Nuzzling the Shinx, Corey asks "do wanna join my team?"

"Shinx!" Shinx says with an adorable smile

Corey takes out a pokeball and her Shinx retracts into the ball   The ball clicks to indicate that the Shinx is caught

"You ready to join my team bud?" Boots says holding up a pokeball     Without saying a word his Shinx boops the ball and gets encased inside. The ball clicks just like Corey's, without struggle

"Guess we both got a happy couple of Shinx" Boots says getting up

"That we did" she says with a smile

The two keep eye contact until they hear Sean holler "Cute stuff love Pidoves but we're loosin daylight" pointing up at the sky

Boots and Corey jog back over to Mike and Sean

"There's a town where we can stay at, they have a hotel" Mike says "bout 5 miles away"

"Sounds like a plan" Corey says

While walking besides Sean, Boots asks "what's Corey's favorite food?"

Tossing a rock in his hand Sean says "she likes sushi a lot. She'd always be at the local sushi joint every week"

"Got it, thanks bud" Boots says with a nod

"Just promise me one thing.." Sean says 

"Uh, yeah sure" Boots says raising one eyebrow

"Break her heart and I won't hesitate to break your face" he says with a glare, snatching the rock out of the air

Taken back by Sean's hostility Boots nods "I don't plan to"

"Good" Sean bluntly grunts

The rest of the travel was in silence other than the teams' footsteps and wildlife noises.    Team Chaos reaches the small town right as the sun sets

"Hotels over there" Mike points towards a small house looking building

The team enters and are greeted by an elderly lady behind a desk with a Glameow on her lap "welcome, how many rooms?"

The team looks at each other realizing the predicament

"I can share a room with Corey" Sean says "we've had sleep overs before"

Mike nods and turns back to the woman, "two rooms please"

The woman nods and slides the the room keys to Mike. Corey turns to grab her wallet but Boots puts his card on the desk

Corey and Boots share a look as the woman charges the card

Mike and Sean go into their designated rooms while Corey stays with Boots   "Hey, thanks for paying for the night" she says stuffing her hands in her hoodie

"Heh no worries" he says putting his card back in his wallet

The two share a look and smile "see you in the mornin Corey" Boots says sweetly

Before he could walk away, Corey wraps him in a hug "see you in the morning Boots"

The two enter their respective rooms and both lean against the closed doors and smile

~Somewhere in the middle of nowhere~

"It is almost complete... they're almost ready...."

"A few more tests... the results will be added to the database..."

"Yes sir..."

A faint roar and bang of metal is heard throughout the night

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