Chapter II: Visitor

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Me: Don't we all love school?

Other part of my brain: Who are you talking to?

Me: No one! :D

Anyways, if anyone happens to read this, hope you enjoy!


You keep your head down as you shuffle and squeeze through the packed Market. As long as you keep your eyes on the bare black feet around you, you can try to ignore the stares. You try to imagine that you are back in your little forest, and the tall thin legs are purple streaked instead of black. The difference is this forest moved, and you occasionally run smack into someone. They hiss and you quickly apologize before scurrying away in embarrassment.

No, this is not your forest. It's loud, a hundred voices ringing out at once. It fills you with stress instead of safety and calm.

But the good news is you are finally close to your destination. The sea of lower appendages begins to thin out as you come closer and closer to the edge of one of the biggest islands in the End. Eventually, they disappear altogether, and you are comfortably alone once more. You look up from the yellow endstone beneath you, to the giant purpur crystal ship floating above you, just barely off the island.

As usual, a pang of worry reverberates through you, sometimes he listens better than others. You really hope you won't have to dive right back into that crowd, you need a break.


You gasp, out of breath as you wait for a response. After several minutes of waiting, which is fairly normal, an old, hunched Enderman appears on the deck, peering down at you with his squinted pink eyes.

"Whose down there! Oh, its just you, uhm................." He ponders, scratching his chin.

"Y/N," you sigh, after all this time, he still can't remember your name.
"Yes, yes! I knew that! Come on in!" he shouts back, turning away to walk back inside.

You pinch the bridge of your nose in frustration, is he really going to make you... ugh, never mind. "Hkeriih!" the old Enderman looks back at you, "I can't teleport yet!" Or maybe ever... You think with a shiver.

"Oh yes! Heh heh, I'll be right dow-" and with a burst and hiss of pink sparks he is standing right in front of you, "-n."

Close up, the sagging wrinkles on his face and smooth black bald head are his most prominent features. His back is so hunched that his face is only barely above yours. He holds his long-fingered, bony hand out for you. "My lady." He teases with a wink, and you can't help but smile at his antics. He is the only Enderman you've ever met that doesn't treat you like a freak.
You take his thin, bony hand, and the world swirls and then goes black in a dizzying split second, only to reappear before you, but completely different. Now walls, ceiling, and floor of purpur crystal surround you.

Furniture of different kinds of wood and luxurious blankets and rugs of many colors decorate the interior of the ship, rare relics from the Overworld. The conglomeration of so many colors always dizzies you, vivid orange, bright yellow, rich green, all new and exciting. Your world is dominated by the pale endstone and the dark void above and below it.
It surprised you at first, that this loony old hermit's home was so richly adorned, but nearly all of the items are gifts, for Hkeriih is one of the last surviving veterans of the III Interdimensional War. His rare pink eyes, along with the abilities that went with them, got him the position of transporting wounded soldiers from the field. Many families whose loved ones had been saved by his unique gift had brought precious treasures as tokens of gratitude. There are even a few that Hkeriih had taken from the Overworld himself.

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