Chapter XI: Army

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Greetings Edgelings!

Me when writing this be like:

...heh, heh...Heh, Heh...Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! *divulges into more sadistic laughter*

5 minutes later...

*Rocking myself back and forth while curled up in a dark corner* "What have I done?"

5 minutes later...

*more sadistic laughter*

So yeah... There's that.


'Alright, I believe its safe to say the emissary has been settled into her chambers by now. It's time to act.'

"Why does it matter whether or not she knows what I'm doing?" Herobrine mumbled.

His feelings on the Enderman, or Enderwoman he supposed, were mixed. She was a threat, but also the first being who had shown any concern about his wellbeing in years. Then again, it could all be an elaborate ploy to trick him into trusting her.

A small ounce of him clung to the hope that it wasn't the case. He kinda liked the thought of someone actually caring about him...

'Nether to Hero, Nether to Hero. We are still in the Nether so get your head out of the freaking clouds!' the Whispers yelled into his skull, instantly giving him a massive headache.

'It matters because she's a spy! Did you remember nothing I told you fungus brain?'

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Herobrine mumbled, rubbing his temples. "Is it really necessary to give me a throbbing headache whenever you talk to me?"

'It's not every time. It's only when you're annoying.'

Herobrine growled as he heaved himself to his feet. After several hours, his flesh, skin, and clothes had healed, but the ribs were still fractured, and dug into his side every time he moved.

Bones took far too long to heal.

But Herobrine wasn't content to wait any longer, he was getting restless. He stormed out of his impromptu chamber and nearly ran straight into a Piglin standing in the Blackstone hallway.

"Greetings, m'lord," he snorted, dual gold ear hoops jangling as he gave a casual nod. "Would've come in to see how you were doing, but your new butlers are so ugly that I couldn't get near 'em. Where'd they come from anyway?"

Herobrine was shocked by both the fact the bipedal pig could talk and the fact that he seemed so casual. Were all the creatures he had believed to be monsters sentient? He narrowed his glowing white eyes. "Who are you?"

"Apologizes, m'lord. My name's Poggo, and I usually serve as Advisor to the lord of the Gormad Sector, but since your lord of all the Sectors now I suppose it still counts."

Just as Herobrine was about to tell him to scram, the Whispers interjected.

'Perhaps he can be useful. He might know where there's a portal.'

"Is there a portal somewhere in thus fortress?" Herobrine asked bluntly.

"Hmmm... no, we disassembled them all, but I believe the obsidian and a pick or two are still kept in the old portal room. Why?"

[HIATUS] When Worlds Collide (Herobrine x reader)Where stories live. Discover now