Chapter VIII: Relocation

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Heyo my Edgelings!

I've actually had a very nice weekend in contrast to the past few weeks! How about you all? How's your week been?

Unlike the last one, this chapter is going to be entirely in your perspective. I'm thinking that I will probably switch the POV between you and Herobrine about every other chapter from now on.

So the chapter after this will probably be from Herobrine's perspective. That will be fun...*insert evil laugh*

Anyways, enjoy!


Finally, it is almost over.

You rub your tired, drooping eyelids. The entire pit below was splattered with blood, and bodies of the fallen warriors lay scattered in piles. You are beyond the point of nausea, beyond the point of disgust. You just want it to be over so you can go back home already.

The other Endermen who accompanied you are not obligated to watch this brutality. As such most of them are sitting on chairs in the back of the room, chatting.

You hadn't seen a new Piglin come out in a while now, which must mean that they are at the end. It's so unorganized! There isn't even a set ending time! There are a little over twenty still left in the pit, and it is over once it gets down to twelve.

Almost there.

A small movement from one of the tunnels catches your attention. You see a light shining from inside it, and its moving. Could it be the clean up crew coming to dispose of the bodies?

Someone walks out.

It takes you a moment to register exactly what is standing down there.

...A human?

"Guards, come look at this," you call out without taking your eyes off the brown-haired human in the pit. It appears to be male judging by his body type.

How did he get there?

He simply stands there for a moment, and you find yourself willing him to run. You aren't fond of humans, but you don't really want to see the poor creature mauled by the Piglins.

Suddenly they spot him.

"I pity the human," Irah, one of your guards, says as the Piglins quickly form a circle around the intruder.

Apparently just snapping out of shock, the human begins to back up, but its already too late. He backs right into a large, muscular fighter with bloodlust shining in his pale eyes.

A second of silent anticipation follows, and then snaps as several Piglins charge the human at once.

It takes you a minute to realize the human is still not dead. He's holding up for himself rather well, dodging attacks like a trained warrior. Odd, he isn't wearing any marked clothing to denote him of belonging to any army. His ragged appearance makes him look more like an exile or a criminal.

Then he swings a punch at one of the Piglins. Useless really, they're all wearing armor. His bare fist won't...

With a resounding clang the armor caves in and the Piglin falls to the ground with a screech.


How is that?...

The battle continues in full swing, the human keeps holding up for himself while at the same time taking down several of his opponents. Through all this, the crowd is quiet. No one knows how to comprehend what is happening.

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