Chapter XII: Discoveries

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Heyo my Edgelings!

Why don't we start off with a comment of how you've been today?

Now onto the chapter!


You step out from the embassy bedroom for the sixth time, double-checking that your cloak is straight before heading out down the twisting maze of disorganized hallways you had been forced to memorize. You spent nearly your entire first day lost until you finally stumbled upon the barracks, which is where all the Piglins here slept and apparently hung out most of the time.

Which is why you couldn't find them in all the hours you aimlessly wandered in the halls.

One of them offered you assistance after you explained your objective, claiming that he too was on his way to check on Herobrine. You learned that his name was Poggo.

Speaking of Poggo, here he comes now. "Good Prewake to you, Keeper," he snorts as he comes out of one of the many side halls, falling into step beside you.

"Good Prewake, seems like you're out early. How's it been?"

"Oh, the usual. He's been so cheery all prewake that he just had to go outside in the middle of a Hearing," Poggo explained sarcastically. Despite his dry sense of humor, you have come to trust this Advisor for information.

"Sounds worse than normal. He usually holds up until midwake," you comment.

"Well, maybe you can go and snap him out of his foul mood. He seems to listen to you better than me."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Oh, you haven't noticed? Whenever I start trying to talk to him, it doesn't normally take too long for the death threats to start flowing. When he talks to you though, he acts much more civil."

"Hm." you contemplate. Wonder why that is? Probably because he knows you're going to report his activities back to the Council. Speaking of which, the portal would open this prowake. "Which entrance did he go out?"

"Number three."

"Thank you," You dip your head in acknowledgement of his position, and then turn off of another hall towards entrance three.

As you stroll down the hall, you ponder what all you're going to tell the Council. So far Herobrine had been fairly uneventful in his proceedings. As required by Nether custom, he spent several hours listening to Piglins' disagreements, and acted as an overall judge for them.

Instead of breaking into fighting over every disagreement, Piglins brought their pleas to the lord of their sector, and had them sorted out in that manner. Since Herobrine is the only lord, he usually spends most of the day judging Hearings.

You have only been present for a few of them, because they are notoriously boring, but from everything you have seen and heard from the Piglins themselves, Herobrine seems to be a fair judge, though temperamental at times. You haven't witnessed anything that makes you feel concern for Endermen of the Nether.

Yet... there is something nagging at the back of your mind. You feel like something is going on, something big. You don't really have anything to base your hunch on, but it bothers you nonetheless.

Not only that, but you have figured out next to nothing new about Herobrine. He clams right up whenever you even vaguely bring up anything about his origins, and only complains about boring Hearing sessions when you ask him about future plans.

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