Chapter XVII: Unprepared

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Heyo my Edgelings!

I'm finally done moving and it's good to be back! I will now return to my usual once a week schedule!

I hope you have fun reading this chapter, cause I sure had fun writing it!!!!


From the west coast of the Main Continent to the sprawling grasslands in the east, a grand mountain range stretches across the North, separating the southern taiga from the northern tundra, and serving as a natural border for the human kingdom. The mountains are towering and jagged, like rocky teeth protruding from the cold ground. The peaks are capped in pure white snow, untouched by the footprints of any creature, the elevation too high for even the mountain goats built for such climates.

Chunks away from the coast, nestled on the southern side of the range, was a large stone plateau raised high above the taiga. Smoke from hundreds of campfires rose into the cold cloudy sky, and the plateau was covered in a multicolored blanket of tents.

Down amidst the tents, two men, one dressed in a gold-trimmed white shirt and the other in a blue-trimmed white shirt, both wearing coats. They spoke in low voices as they weaved between the shelters and campfires, making their way towards the Royal Tents.

"When did you say the foot soldiers are going to arrive?" Nilan asked, his gold-trimmed garments flapping in the chill wind, his thick fur coat wrapped tightly around his thin, muscled torso.

"They should be here either tomorrow or the next day. The battlements will be a couple days behind them." Cedrick replied, holding his warm hood up with one hand to prevent the wind from blowing it down. The fluffy grey hood exaggerated his extraordinary height.

"Smart of you to set out in segments. If we were in dire straights, it could've prevented a catastrophy." Nilan complemented.

"It was Juliara's idea." Cedrick smiled, but then his face resumed its seriousness, "What do you think he's waiting for? It's been over two weeks, correct?"

"I have been pondering that myself. His army didn't suffer any casualties at the last battle. In fact, it grew. In theory, he should've continued the attack, chasing us back to camp while we were retreating. I do not understand his reasons for holding back."

"That is odd..."

"The King has suggested that the Ex-prince is trying to catch us off guard, hoping that our troops will relax if he waits long enough."

"Was the Ex-prince himself injured?"

"Yes, he was dealt several fatal blows, but continued to fight anyways, singlehandedly taking out dozens of our men. He is undead, so I assume he cannot be killed by normal methods."

"Is it possible that perhaps such wounds can't kill him, but do weaken him over time? Maybe he needs to heal before attacking again." Cedrick contemplated.

"Mmmm..." Nilan hummed, searching this hypothesis for errors, "That is indeed a possibility. But we don't know how long it takes him to heal, so we still have no way of predicting his next attack. He has always been a bit unpredictable."

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