Chapter III: Becomings Day

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Hey everybodeeeeeee...

Had a close call this morning! Almost got my sketchbook taken by my teacher, but don't worry! I still got it!

Anyways, hope you enjoy Becomings Day!


You look at the front of the lineup, a mere two kids ahead of you. You grit your teeth, trying your best to prevent yourself from shaking. After all, everyone is watching.

Today is the day. The day you find out what possessing red eyes truly meant. You are at your district's learning center, Learning Center #41 (what a creative naming system the Council came up with), a massive Endstone complex made up of many indoor and outdoor classrooms. The huge structure takes up most of the small island it is housed on.

Currently, you are in the large, open room in the center of the building. The Announcement Chamber, reserved for center-wide meetings and the yearly Becomings Day ceremony, where all the Enderkids who have turned or are turning twelve this year will begin their magic training. They celebrate this monumental moment in every Enderman's life with a ceremony, where friends and family watch as they use magic for the first time. You parents are out there too...

"What do you think?" You hear someone whisper behind you. The voice of one of your instructors. He is more than likely conferring with a colleague. You know it's wrong to eavesdrop, but it is hard not to do it all the time, since you have no one to talk to at the center. No one wants to be friends with the short weirdo with red eyes.

"Who knows what the Little Oddity might be capable of. I think it would be safer." Another instructor whispers back, just as you suspected. You inwardly scowl at the name your instructors use to refer to you, "Little Oddity". Of course, the other students call you worse things. Shorty, Spider-eyes, Halfy, and the most popular, Endermite. No one seems to realize you already had a name.

Distracted by this train of thought, you jump when you are lightly tapped on the shoulder.

You turn. It is the first instructor who had spoken, the other is standing behind him. The first kneels down to your level, which requires a considerable amount of effort considering he is nearly three times your height, and whispers softly in your ear. "A decision has been made to make your Ceremony private, Y/N. Your parents will be informed as well, and will join you shortly." The instructor strains to stand up again. He subtly nods his head in the direction of the back door leading off of the platform. "Come with us."

A mixture of anxiety and relief flood through your mind. Do they think you are dangerous? At least you won't have to stand in front of that huge crowd. You try to stamp out any other concerning thoughts, instead focusing on where you are going.

You are walking down the main hall, towards the Advanced classrooms. If all goes well, you will soon be spending your learning days in these rooms, with the others who are learning magic. All required studies other than magic end when you become an Advanced student, but you still plan to take a few optional standard studies as well as magic classes.

Lost in thought, you don't realize when the instructors in front of you stop, and nearly run into them. You blink back into reality, and realize you're standing before the doors of one of the largest outdoor classrooms, the one reserved for Blue-eyed telekinetics to target practice. The walls are reinforced in case they threw an object with a little too much mental force.

They really do think you might be dangerous. It's a possibility you have considered. What if you just blow into smithereens like a creeper?

Your instructors open the doors, to reveal your parents already standing within the massive walled stone yard, with another Enderwoman you don't recognize. They more than likely had just teleported. They both have standard purple eyes, so teleporting is their specialty. It also makes your oddness more baffling. They have purple eyes, your grandparents have purple eyes, all your great-grandparents have purple eyes. In fact, the only Enderman in your family who doesn't have purple eyes is one of your fifth cousins who lives in the Nether. His eyes are pink.

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