Chapter XIII: Heading Home

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Greetings Edgelings!

This chapter gets pretty emotional, not in a violent way, but in you know... a sad way.

That's all I'm gonna say, you'll have to read it for more!


You let out a sigh, along with all of the tension you have been holding back, as you exit the Main Chamber where you have just finished meeting with the Council. Just as you predicted, they do not intend on interfering with the affairs of the Nether, as long as the Endermen there or in the Overworld are not involved. If nothing that takes place affects Endermen, then the Endermen will keep to themselves and let whatever happens happen.

You decide that the first thing you're going to do is go see your friend Tkeera, you have missed her company since graduating from her tutoring sessions. You walk to the edge of the Council Island, where one of the largest relay stations in the End is located. You stare up at the twinkling, endless void and take a deep breath of the clear, open air that not even the Overworld could compare to. A small smile lights your face. It's good to be home.

You had taken your heavy boots off and left them in the portal room. Now the cold smooth endstone slides underneath your feet as you walk, soothing and gentle compared to the heat of the Nether. You reach out and let your thin fingertips brush the cool stone railing surrounding the relay station and dividing up the ares for the lines.

Today must be a slow day; there's no one here. You step up onto the platform, where a pink-eyed relay worker leans on one of the railing posts. His downwards gaze snaps up and meets yours, and his eyes widen.

"Keeper!" he returns his gaze to the floor to show his respect, "Where to?"

"Dragon Grounds #23," you reply, also dipping your head in acknowledgement.

You formally interlock your left arm with his right arm in the protocol you had memorized since childhood. With a vibrating zap, you appear at the next station, two islands away. You repeat this process, telling each relay worker your destination, eleven times before you arrive. It is a fairly short relay compared to going all the way back to your childhood home out in forty-six.

In the couple years since you graduated from her tutoring sessions, Tkeera has only become more successful. Having proved her improvisation skills and gentle demeanor in training an oddity like you, she became a considered candidate for the Dragon Guardian program. After going through many rigorous tests and many skeptical officials, she became accepted as a Nursery Supervisor. Being a member of the Dragon Guardians at the extremely young age of 25 is nearly unheard of. She has earned the respect of many honored Endermen, and you are proud to call her your friend and mentor.

As you approach the open-roofed endstone building in the center of the obsidian towers surrounding the island, you slow down and eye the skies. You're hoping to catch a glimpse of...


Soaring over a hundred blocks above, gliding on massive beating wings at least four times as long as you are tall, is a majestic and rare dragon. Her shiny, smooth black scales reflect the vibrant purple light radiating from the End Crystals atop of each of the huge obsidian pillars. She cranes her long neck and looks down at you with her bright, cunning purple eyes. Recognizing that you aren't a threat, she flaps her great wings, sending a gust of wind rushing down on you as she continues flying her rounds around the island.

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