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Cold water cascaded from the faucet, splashing onto the porcelain sink. I leaned over, staring into the mirror, my reflection staring back at me. My gaze fell onto the sunflower pendant that was hanging on my neck. With a hesitant hand, I reached up to touch the pendant. The weight of Seokwoo's words hung heavy in the air, echoing in my mind like a haunting melody.

I'm here to escort Lee Chanyoung back to the afterlife.

As the water continued to flow, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled over me. The pendant felt heavier against my skin, a silent reminder of the impending farewell that loomed ahead.

As I turned off the faucet, the sound of rushing water ceased, leaving behind an eerie silence. Stepping out of the restroom, I found Joshua, Dino, and Seokwoo gathered at a nearby rest area. Their eyes were fixed on me, expressions were filled with anticipation and concern.

I settled into the seat, my gaze fixed on Seokwoo. "Why did you trap Chanyoung's soul in this pendant?" I asked, my tone firm.

Seokwoo shifted, a solemn expression crossing his face. "Chanyoung's spirit has lingered on Earth for too long. The longer he stays, the more likely he is to become corrupted. I had to contain his soul before it posed a threat to the living," he explained, his words weighted with urgency.

"What do you mean by 'evil'?" I inquired, a knot forming in my stomach. I was familiar with the concept of souls becoming corrupted, leading to the existence of malevolent spirits. These spirits could possess individuals, even causing harm or death. However, the idea of Chanyoung, my gentle brother, succumbing to such darkness was unfathomable to me.

Seokwoo's eyes shifted towards Dino, a fleeting expression of compassion crossing his features as he continued to regard him.

"Dino's guilt acted as a catalyst, summoning Chanyoung's spirit from the afterlife," Seokwoo explained. "But now, that same guilt has tethered him to Chanyoung's spirit, draining him of his life force."

"Life force?!" Joshua spoke for the first time since awhile, filled with horror. "Is that why Dino's been so fatigued? Because his life force is draining?"

Seokwoo nodded gravely. "Exactly. Dino's life force was dangerously depleted, which is why I was sent to retrieve Lee Chanyoung as quickly as possible."

I covered my face with my hands, trying to absorb everything.

"Seokwoo, what would happen if I asked you to release Chanyoung?" I inquired.

"Dino could die. His life force is dangerously low," Seokwoo replied solemnly.

"Areum," Joshua's voice was gentle as he reached for my hand. "What's on your mind? Talk to us."

I glanced at Joshua's comforting touch, feeling a lump forming in my throat. "Would it be selfish of me to say goodbye to him properly? And what about my parents? They're supposed to come home for Chuseok," I said, struggling to keep my emotions in check.

Chuseok was approaching, and the training camp was nearing its end as well.

I heard Seokwoo sigh beside me.

"I can only unbind him once," Seokwoo explained solemnly. "Doing it more than that would risk Dino's life. Even unbinding him once could make Dino pass out. There's a lot at stake, Areum."

Dino's voice broke through our conversation, drawing our attention. "Just do it," he said, a gentle smile on his face. "I'll be okay with it," he added, his words filled with reassurance.

The tears I had been holding back finally broke free, streaming down my face uncontrollably.

"I owe so much to Chanyoung. This is the least I could do," Dino said, his voice tinged with nostalgia.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, pulling Dino into a tight embrace, my arms enveloping him. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I buried my face into his shoulder. "I'm so sorry, Chan," I sobbed, feeling his arms wrap around me in return.

"Noona, you don't have to be sorry, really," he reassured me, his voice filled with warmth and understanding.

As we returned to the apartment, it seemed like word had spread about what was happening, because all the Seventeen members were gathered in my living room. Even Jessi and Yeri were there, waiting for us.

"Areum-ah," Jessi called softly, her eyes brimming with tears. I glanced at her, feeling my own eyes welling up once more. Without hesitation, I rushed into her open arms for a comforting hug.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked after releasing myself from Jessi's embrace, casting a glance at each of them in turn. The living room suddenly felt crowded with all of them present.

"What do you mean, 'what are we doing here'? We're here for you, obviously!" Aria stepped forward and playfully booped my nose.

"We heard from Joshua. We wanted to come and cheer you up," Jeonghan explained.

"Yeah, and we thought we could plan something for your brother. Like a farewell party, sort of," Seungkwan suggested, looking around at the others. They all nodded eagerly in agreement.

I gazed at them, feeling warmth spread through my heart.

"And I've already got the party all planned out!" Yeri chimed in with a wide grin.

I couldn't hold back my laughter.

"Alright, spill the beans. Let's hear all the details," I said, eagerly waiting to hear their ideas.


Joshua leaned against the balcony railing, his gaze fixed on the lively scene unfolding inside. His eyes naturally gravitated toward Areum, who was engaged in conversation with the boys, her smile lighting up the room.

Unconsciously, a smile tugged at his lips.

"Hey," Aria's voice broke his reverie as she stepped onto the balcony, wrapping her cardigan around herself against the chill. "What are you doing out here all alone in the cold?" she asked, concern evident in her tone.

"Just enjoying some fresh air," Joshua replied casually.

"Hmm... or are you here to quietly enjoy the view of a particular someone?" Aria teased, her tone light.

Joshua snorted. "You're ridiculous," he replied.

"Well, I know you well, Josh. We've been childhood friends for a reason," Aria countered.

Joshua couldn't help but smile, acknowledging her point.

"You must really like her, huh, our Areum," Aria continued, her voice softening.

Joshua raised an eyebrow. "Our?"

Aria shot him a meaningful glare. "I consider Areum my own sister, okay? So, if you ever hurt her feelings, I don't care if we're best friends or not. I'll come after you if you ever hurt her."

Joshua smiled warmly, his eyes gazing lovingly at Areum. "I wouldn't dare."


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