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Areum's POV

As the boys gathered in the dining room, concern etched on their faces, Mingyu shared the news of Dino's absence. Multiple attempts to reach him had gone unanswered, leaving them all unsettled.

"I hope he's fine," Hoshi expressed, his usual cheery demeanor replaced by genuine worry. Dino held a special place in his heart as a cherished younger brother figure, intensifying his concern.

Jeonghan turned his attention towards me, his eyes searching for any clue to unravel the mystery. "Areum, did something happen to him on your way here?" he inquired, his voice laced with a mix of curiosity and concern.

Shaking my head, I replied with a tinge of uncertainty, "Nothing happened... We were just talking."

Seungcheol arched an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "What were you talking about?" he pressed, his gaze fixed on me.

Biting my lip, I tried to recall our conversation, the weight of the moment settling upon me. "We literally talked about the weather," I admitted, hoping that my casual response would divert their attention.

The boys exchanged bewildered glances, the silence in the room amplifying the air of mystery. I offered them a sheepish smile, silently pleading that they would let the matter rest.

To my relief, they seemed to understand, their expressions shifting as they fell into contemplative silence. The room was filled with the weight of unspoken thoughts, a collective introspection settling upon the group.

Suddenly, the atmosphere shifted, disrupted by a familiar voice. "Why is the atmosphere like this?" Dino's voice rang out, breaking the tension and drawing everyone's attention.

"Jungchan!" Hoshi's immediate reaction was to rush towards Dino, embracing him tightly. Dino squirmed slightly in discomfort, but his laughter filled the room, casting aside the lingering worry.

Seungkwan, never one to hold back, approached Dino with determination, flicking him on the head with a mixture of affection and exasperation. "We were just worried about you, you fool!" he scolded, unable to hide the genuine concern in his voice.

Seungcheol's booming voice intervened, reprimanding Seungkwan for his choice of words. "LANGUAGE, BOO SEUNGKWAN!" he exclaimed, his fatherly instincts kicking in.

Laughter erupted from the group as the tension dissipated, replaced by a sense of relief and camaraderie. The bond between the members was unbreakable, their unity serving as a source of strength and comfort.

Seungkwan playfully pushed Dino back into his seat, and Hoshi quickly served him breakfast, a silent gesture of care and affection. Seungcheol's voice cut through the air once again, concern lacing his words as he asked, "Have you been sleeping well?"

Dino nodded, a smile playing on his lips. "Yes, I've been sleeping well since we moved here," he confirmed, alleviating the worry that had weighed on their hearts.

The collective sighs of relief filled the room, a tangible sense of gratitude washing over the boys. The specter of sleepless nights and restless spirits that had haunted Dino in their previous dorm seemed to have dissipated with their new surroundings.

Curiosity sparked within me, and I couldn't help but inquire about their previous experiences. "Dino, were you unable to sleep properly before you guys moved here?" I asked, my eyes scanning the group, my curiosity piqued.

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