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Areum's POV

Jessi burst through the door, panting heavily from her sprint or rather, her mad dash in the taxi to my house. As I swung open the door, her face betrayed her giddiness, her eyes shining with excitement.

We all gathered in the dimly lit living room, the only source of illumination being the flickering light emanating from the television screen. We had chosen to indulge in a clichéd horror movie, fully aware of the predictable plot twists and jump scares that awaited us.

In the midst of the movie, Jessi leaned in close to me, her voice a mere whisper amidst the eerie ambiance. Her gaze was fixed on Aria, and she couldn't help but express her admiration. "She's truly beautiful," Jessi murmured, her words slipping out between scenes of terror. I glanced at Aria, nodding in agreement. There was no denying her breathtaking beauty.

"And Joshua seems to know her too," Jessi pointed out, a frown forming on her face as she noticed the two of them engaged in conversation. Jealousy tinged her words.

I couldn't help but let my gaze linger on Joshua and Aria, my heart wrenching with an inexplicable pain. The sight of them together stirred a whirlwind of emotions within me.

Before I could dwell on my own feelings, I was abruptly interrupted by Dino, who called out to me in a hushed tone. "Noona, where is the toilet?" he inquired, seeking guidance in this unfamiliar environment.

"Oh," I responded, gesturing in the direction of the kitchen. "The toilet is just past the kitchen. Walk straight, and you'll find it at the end of the hallway."

Dino expressed his gratitude with a soft "thanks" and made his way towards the restroom.

Immediately after Dino's departure, the credits of the horror movie began to roll, signaling its conclusion. Seungkwan couldn't resist making a comment, shaking his head in amusement as he observed Wonwoo and Mingyu sleeping, their bodies intertwined in a cozy embrace.

Jessi's eyes widened at the sight, her grip on my arms tightening to the point of pain. My glare warned her to release her hold. Her enthusiasm for the Minwon ship knew no bounds, and the evidence of their affection was too much for her to contain.

"Huang Jessi, what the fuck?" I hissed, wincing at the marks her nails had etched into my skin. I needed to snap some sense into her.

Her eyes spoke volumes, clearly conveying her uncontainable excitement. 'MINWON IS FUCKING REAL!' they seemed to scream.

Exasperated, I shook my head in disbelief. "Are you all fine sleeping out here in the living room?" I asked, hoping to divert Jessi's attention. Determined, I freed myself from her grip, leaving my arms marred with nail imprints.

DK reassured me with a beaming smile, displaying his perfect row of white teeth. "We'll be fine. We used to sleep on the floor all the time."

Seungkwan chimed in, rolling his eyes in response to the perpetual crowding. "Yeah, it's always cramped in here."

Realizing that Jessi and I needed a proper sleeping arrangement, I decided to retrieve a futon mattress from Chanyoung's room. As our parents had been storing belongings in his vacant room, it seemed like the logical place to find one.

"ㅡShe's going to be suspicious! You can't do thatㅡ" 

I open the door to Chanyoung's room to find Dino in the room in the darkness, became visible as the moonlight spilled through the window, partially illuminating his form.

"Dino, what are you doing here?" I questioned, stepping further into the room. Dino turned to face us, his startled expression apparent in the faint light.

"Noona!" he exclaimed, his voice an octave higher than usual. "I-I got lost!"

Raising an eyebrow, I wondered how he could have possibly gotten lost despite my clear directions. Nevertheless, I brushed it off, assuming it was just a momentary lapse on his part.

"Were you on the phone?" I asked, recalling the faint sound of his voice conversing with someone earlier.

He chuckled nervously, his laughter sounding forced and strained. Ignoring the oddity, I gestured to Jessi with my eyes, silently instructing her to retrieve the futon mattress from the closet.

"Was it a girl?" I teased, playfully narrowing my eyes at him.

Dino's chuckle grew more awkward, his eyes widening in an uncomfortable manner. "What? No! It's not a girl! Hahahahahahahaha!"

Bewildered by his strange behavior, I shot him one last curious look before turning my attention to Chanyoung's bed, where I planned to gather a few pillows.

Suddenly, the door slammed shut with a resounding bang, jolting the three of us. Shock and surprise registered on our faces, while a string of curses escaped from Dino's lips.

My eyes widened in disbelief. Could it be true?

"Huang Jessi," I called out, my voice tinged with urgency. "Turn on the lights, please. I can't fucking see."

Jessi, being closest to the switch, hurriedly made her way over. I heard her footsteps, and in an instant, the room was illuminated.

As I turned around to locate Dino, I found him on the ground, his body curled up defensively. His frantic gaze darted around the room, his fear palpable.

Reacting swiftly, Jessi and I rushed to his side, concern etched on our faces. "Hey, Dino. Are you okay?" I asked, gently assessing his condition. He appeared genuinely frightened.

"What happened?" Joshua's voice resonated as he stormed into the room, Seungkwan following closely behind. Joshua quickly moved towards Dino, his expression filled with worry. Seungkwan approached as well, his arms encircling the trembling maknae, providing a sense of comfort.

I looked up at Joshua, my own concern mirroring his. "I think you should all go back to your apartment for now," I suggested, my voice laced with genuine worry. "We'll figure this out. I promise."

Seungkwan hurried back to the living room to awaken Wonwoo and Mingyu, explaining the situation to the drowsy pair. They quickly grasped the gravity of the situation and joined the others in leaving our apartment unit.

A heavy silence settled over the space, leaving me seated alone in the living room, trying to make sense of the events that had just unfolded. Aria took a seat beside me, her presence a source of solace amidst the confusion.

"Tell me, Lee Areum," she began, her tone serious and measured. I swallowed nervously, uncertain of what she was about to reveal. "Has something always resided in that room?"

I snapped my head towards her, eyebrows raised in disbelief. "What do you mean?"

Aria blinked, her gaze unwavering. "There's a spirit in that room," she declared, her voice hushed, yet filled with conviction.

My mind reeled at the revelation. What the actual fuck?


it got supernatural all of the sudden jsjsjsjsj but don't worry!

expect more to come!

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