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Author's POV

Dino stirred in his sleep, only to find himself waking up alone in the deserted dormitory. Confusion washed over him as he glanced around the empty apartment, his mind struggling to comprehend the sudden absence of his fellow members.

"Hyung," a voice called out, causing Dino's gaze to dart towards the sound. To his astonishment, he saw Chanyoung, a ghostly figure floating gracefully through the room.

"Chanyoung!" Dino exclaimed, his surprise evident in his voice. He hadn't expected Chanyoung to return so soon, his ethereal presence catching him off guard.

Floating closer to Dino, Chanyoung spoke with a solemn tone. "The other boys left for the company building," he informed him. "It seems like one of the hyungs has disappeared."

Dino's eyes widened in shock. "What?!" he exclaimed, his voice laced with worry and disbelief. The realization hit him like a tidal wave, and his heart began to race with concern.

Frantically, Dino scrambled around his bed, searching for his phone. As the screen lit up, he was bombarded with a flurry of messages from their SEVENTEEN chatroom, each one a testament to their shared anxiety and distress.

His breath caught in his throat as Dino whispered to himself, his voice filled with a mixture of fear and determination, "Wonwoo... Wonwoo hyung is missing..."

Chanyoung continued to float around, circling Dino in a thoughtful manner. Finally, he settled himself on the edge of the bed, his ethereal form exuding an otherworldly glow. Deep in contemplation, Chanyoung spoke up, offering a glimmer of hope. "I can help find him," he said.

Dino looked up at Chanyoung, his eyes shining with a mixture of gratitude and anticipation. "How?" he asked eagerly, his voice tinged with a sense of urgency.

Chanyoung's expression turned serious as he recalled the events. "Well," he began, his voice filled with certainty, "I overheard Wonwoo talking on the phone just before he left. He sounded incredibly upset, growling and hissing like an angry cat. And he cursed a lot too," Chanyoung added, his face contorting into a playful imitation of an enraged feline, complete with claw-like fingers.

A deep sigh escaped Dino's lips, and he buried his face in his hands, the weight of the situation pressing down upon him. Of course, Wonwoo was upset—how could he not be, when someone had callously shattered the culmination of his four years as a trainee with a thoughtless social media post?

"We have to inform the others," Dino declared with determination, his voice resolute. With a sense of urgency, he jumped out of bed and quickly pulled on a sweater he found nearby. The familiar scent of Seungkwan's perfume clung to the fabric, but Dino paid little attention to such details in his current state of worry.

His mind solely focused on Wonwoo, Dino dashed out of the bedroom, calling out for Chanyoung. However, his heart skipped a beat when he realized that Chanyoung wasn't following him.

"Chanyoung?" Dino called out again, his voice tinged with a touch of anxiety. Just as frustration began to well up within him, Chanyoung suddenly materialized before him in a swirling cloud of white smoke, startling Dino.

"Chanyoung, you scared me!" Dino exclaimed, his voice laced with both relief and reproach. Chanyoung rubbed the back of his neck apologetically, a sheepish expression on his translucent face.

"Sorry," Chanyoung murmured, his voice carrying a hint of remorse. "I went to check on the two noonas in the unit next door, and I think we should bring them along too." He made a gesture, attempting to pull Dino towards the front door with his hands, only to have them pass through Dino's solid form like a gust of wind.

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