Chapter 78: Regret

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The shiver that ran down Kieran's spine at the moment he heard sirens was unnatural, eerie. The police frequented his neighborhood, which left no reason why it should so startle and frighten him. He had done nothing wrong. It was probably a domestic disturbance. But that didn't stop the reality of the chill enveloping Kieran's limbs.

Donovan appeared from the shadows, pocketing his phone once more. "She says that Patrick's up to something. He said some cryptic things last time he saw her, and he's been hanging out with a couple of petty thieves. They're known for convenience store robberies, mostly."

It was then that Kieran knew what the chill in the air had been trying to tell him. His feet flew of their own accord.

With every step, Kieran hoped against hope that Patrick wouldn't do something so petty and evil. With every breath, Kieran knew that Patrick didn't draw the line at things like decency.

The nearer he came, the brighter the lights. Red, white, and blue swirled in the air like lightning.

Kieran's heart crashed to the ground.

Did he go forward? Did he run away? He had broken Naomi's heart just to force her to stay away from him. If he ran to her now, would it undo all he had done? More importantly, did it matter?

It didn't.

Kieran dove into the conglomeration of cop cars, a firetruck, and a medical truck at about the same time that Donovan caught up with him. Whatever Donovan opened his mouth to say died on his lips, unable to reach Kieran's ears.

Both of the cop cars sat empty. A pair of policemen stood at the door to the convenience store, speaking with the late-night part-timer. A precursory glance through the windows revealed no sign of Naomi. Maybe she hadn't been there, after all. But that didn't seem like Patrick's style.

Kieran circled around to the back of the medical truck. His breath returned in a whoosh, a punch straight to his gut.

Naomi perched on the back fender of the red truck, an orange blanket draped around her shoulders. The wind forced a shiver through her hair, but the trembling of her hands was clearly from something entirely different.

A medic perched next to her.

Had she been injured? Kieran didn't waste time wondering if he should approach or not. He stormed over as if this was his castle and he had every right to go wherever he pleased.

Naomi spotted him only when it was too late to react.

Kieran's fingers dove into her hair, brushing it aside so he could better see the injury that the medic was doctoring. A red slice through her flesh, beginning to scab over now. That didn't stop the boiling anger from starting in Kieran's veins.

"You must be her boyfriend," the medic commented. "Don't worry, it's just a scratch. Her hands will heal, too."

There was more? Kieran released Naomi so that he could take a step back and look her over again. Just in case he had missed anything else.

Her hands were wrapped in gauze. The lack of oozing wounds meant the injury hadn't been terrible. She sat as if she was favoring one hip, but that could be Kieran's imagination.


"I told you not to come here alone."

Kieran didn't want to hear what nice words she would say to him, so he tried to start an argument instead. He couldn't be her savior anymore, and that pained him. He had a duty to Tawny, but Kieran's heart wanted nothing more than to stay by Naomi's side and protect her.

Naomi ducked her head. "It's never been a problem before."

"I told you, it's dangerous here."

"But you live in this neighborhood."

"What good did that do you?" Kieran raked a hand through his hair. "What if they hadn't been petty thieves? What if they started shooting?"

The medic raised her brows, clearly uncomfortable listening to this argument. She grabbed her gear and stood to her feet. "I'll let the two of you talk."

Talking wasn't a good word for it, but Kieran appreciated the sentiment.

"Can you be a little nicer right now?" Naomi asked as the medic left.

"How am I supposed to be nice when you're making stupid decisions?"

"Did I ask for them to rob the place?" Naomi shot to her feet, unable to stand as tall as Kieran, but trying her darnedest. "I was stressed out and my mom and Oliver are being weird and all I wanted was a bowl of ramen, which I didn't even get to eat. You think I wanted to be held hostage? My hands hurt, my leg hurts, and my head and neck hurt and all you can say is that you warned me?"

Naomi had yelled at Kieran before, in her own way, but she had never raised her voice like this. Nor had Kieran ever seen the sheen of frightened tears glistening in her eyes. Naomi had been scared out of her wits, and he had come in with all his defenses on high alert. Now, she looked like she might break down in tears or pass out at any moment.

Kieran wanted nothing more than to pull her into his arms and never let her go. He balled his fists at his sides instead, setting his resolve to let her go no matter how many times he had to do it.

Yet... he couldn't let her be alone after enduring whatever had happened in that store. Something that Kieran was going to have to pull some strings to find out.

"Give the cops your statement, then I'll make sure you get home safely." It was the best and the least he could do.

Naomi shook her head, her fingers lifting to swipe at the first falling tears. "I already talked to the police. I'm free to go home."

"Let's go, then." Kieran moved out of Naomi's personal space, allowing her the freedom to start the journey.

Naomi took two steps, then stopped to shift how she limped.

Kieran dug his phone out of his pocket and shot Donovan a text, which he answered immediately. Good.

Naomi limped another two steps before Kieran swooped in. She was in pain, and there was no way she would make it home walking. She couldn't even make it down the street.

Kieran scooped Naomi into his arms, without a word. If he opened his mouth, he might apologize and he could never do that.

Naomi stiffened at first, then relaxed in his hold. "Where are we going?"

"I told you. I'm making sure you get home."

"You're going to carry me home?"

"I'm going to carry you to the car." Kieran stepped out of the circle of emergency vehicles, scanned the road both ways, and caught sight of Donovan pulling the Jeep up next to them.

Kieran didn't speak because he feared what he might say. Naomi must have had much the same thought, because even when he set her in the back of his souped-up Jeep, she didn'tutter a word.

"Buckle up," Kieran instructed as he shut her door.

He let Donovan drive, because Kieran knew he was too distracted to be of any use behind the wheel. He hadn't expected it to feel so right when Naomi waltzed back into his life. And he hated himself for his wavering. He had made a decision, but here he sat regretting it.

Was regret enough of an excuse to change his mind?

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