01 - Beautiful Beginning

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~ friends are the family we choose ~

The two girls struggled over who would get the last piece of chocolate from the sweet bowl at their school end-of-the-year party.

The two had never spoken before, given that they were in different classes. Not anymore that is, due to her poor grades, Kelly had to repeat grade one.

A teacher notices them from across the hall, approaching them he asks,
'What appears to be the issue?'
'I had my hands on the chocolate first' little Amaya insisted
'She is lying, I did' Kelly replied, pouting her lips.
'I have an idea, the two of you should just share the chocolate'.

Amaya and Kelly looked at each other upset, not wishing to share it but, eventually gave in. Taking a bite from her half of the chocolate, Amaya beamed Kelly a contagious smile that turned into a hearty giggle between them.

'I am Amaya and you?' she spoke, introducing herself

The innocence of children is one to behold. The same kids who were ready to have it out, now sat like they had been friends forever.
This marked the birth of a beautiful companionship.

They would go to school, play, do an errand, and do anything under the face of the sun side by side. Share their thoughts, dreams, and fears. Their deep connections felt inseparable.

At adolescence, Kelly had a major glow-up. Her almond skin and hazel brown eyes. Dark pink lips, thick curly black hair, and a physique to ensnare. She is one with an eye for fashion and glamour. Being self-aware of her appearance, she dreamt of being a beauty queen.

Kelly is an outspoken, charismatic go-getter who stops at nothing until she obtains what she desires. However, she is also rude and demanding.

Kelly's mother, Mrs. Olivia, owned an embroidery shop, which was one thing that grew her love for fashion.

Sadly, in Kelly's earlier years, her father suffered a heart disorder that ran in their family, which claimed his life.

Along the line, Andrew, her cousin, came to live with them. His mother died while giving birth, and his father faced the same fate as hers.

Amaya, on the other hand, was an exquisite picture of beauty with brains, who is as good-looking as she is intelligent.

She is a light-skinned girl with beady eyes and rosy cheeks. A smile that lights up a room and a voice so mild.

Amaya is a bit introverted and well-mannered. But, she loathes looking bad to the extent she could cause a fight and play the victim.

Amaya's parents, Stan and Julia, owned a bakery, which was well-known for its sumptuous pastries.

They all reside in their hometown, Ashton. Ashton was a small town known for its picturesque environment, festivity, and hospitable inhabitants.

When it came to school, Kelly was not as good, especially with numbers. Nonetheless, she scaled through with Amaya's help.

On one such occasion, Kelly was called upon to solve a word problem in class. It was a rather simple question anyone could work out.

She stood up hesitantly, stepping to the front of the class. Taking the marker from the teacher, she tries to solve it, but her hand starts trembling instead.

The other students snickered, and she instantly returned the marker, feeling ashamed.
'See me before the end of school today' her teacher whispered in her ear.

Standing opposite her teacher's table at recess, Kelly's head is bent down receiving yet another lecture,

'you need to start taking your studies seriously, a pretty face won't get you everywhere'

'But I am'
'Well, your efforts are not enough. We may need to organize extra classes for you,'
'Ugh!' Kelly sighs, rolling her eyes.

'Don't roll your eyes at me, young lady. If that is what has to be done for your grades to pick up, then it will.

Just then the teacher catches sight of Amaya who is peeping through the door.
'Amaya, please come in'

Amaya sluggishly drags her feet into the classroom to position herself beside Kelly.
'You cannot be one of the best in this school and have a friend who flunks.'

The teacher gazes at them intently,
'You must tutor her. Kelly, I am afraid to say that if you don't improve, you may repeat this class

'I can't repeat this class'. Before the teacher could reply, Amaya spoke up
'She won't. I will assist her'.

As promised, Amaya took Kelly through tutoring sessions and extra lessons to help her improve.

One evening, as the two girls worked on an assignment together, Amaya noticed her friend's frustrated face,
'What now?'

'It is just so confusing. I think I have some blockage in my brain.

'No. It's not confusing, and you don't have brain blockage'
'It's easy for you to let out, you are not the one the whole class keeps mocking'.
'Don't follow what they say, they are only jealous of the beauty queen, Kelly'

Kelly smiles for a while, but it slowly fades and ends with her taking a deep breath.

'That's the problem, it looks like my pretty face is the sole good thing about me. I am simply an airhead.'

'Pretty face or not, you will be a remarkable person, and I will always be here to help'
Opening up about insecurities and showing their vulnerable side tightened the relationship.

As the years grew into each other, so did the two friends with their distinctive personalities.

Amaya got a degree from a business school. While in pursuit of satisfactory employment, she assisted her parents in the bakery with hopes of expanding it.

Kelly passed out from a fashion and beauty academy. She participated in smaller beauty contests around Ashton but is now ready to take her career to the next level.

Amaya is kneading a piece of dough gracefully in the bakery's kitchen when Kelly barges in with excitement,

'Amaya! You will not believe what '. Amaya lifts her head in curiosity but does not reply.

'The annual national beauty pageants will be held right here in Ashton this year. My first time contesting in the nationwide pageant, and it's here in our hometown'
'Will there be a prize money?'

'You talk like a novice, yes there is. Regardless, I am more interested in the recognition. I will gain more connections, opportunities, and fans' She waves her hair to her back with stars in her eyes.

Kelly caught sight of freshly baked bread on the kitchen counter and stretched her hand to cut off a piece, stuffing it in her mouth.

'Kelly, those are for the customers. If you want bread, you ask'.

'I am sorry, it looked fresh and tasted nice'

'Flatter me all you want, you are still paying for it'

'Haha. That reminds me, I am one of the paraders at the Gratison festival this weekend. More work for me.'

The Gratison festival was an annual celebration that took place every year to celebrate the all-round growth of their town.

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