02 - Love at First Sight

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~ A love story can begin anywhere ~

Jason Graham is a chivalrous man with a gracious personality. To tie his being together has a charming look with a well-built stature.
Jason is the president of Graham Realty in the capital city of Grey's Ville.

He is sitting behind his desk one afternoon, his face buried in his palms out of exhaustion.

Gabby, his assistant, walks in with several files in her hand but stops in her tracks on seeing him. She roughly places the files on his desk, causing him to lift his head.

'Sir, is everything okay?'
Answering sharply, 'Yes. I just feel a bit dull'
'May I get you anything to help you feel better?'
'An energy drink, maybe?'

Gently sitting down opposite him,' If I may sir, I think you need a vacation' 'Vacation?'
She babbles, 'Look at it this way, you spend day-to-day, week after week, every month of every year at work. When last did you unwind?'

He stares at her for a moment, placing a finger beneath his lip,
'You have a point' he takes a deep breath 'Find me a good spot to relax'.

Gabby returns after a few minutes with his drink in her hand.
'Sir, I believe I have a place, Ashton. It's a small town in the heart of Akara with scenery to die for and warm dwellers. Plus, they will be having their annual festival this weekend. It's the ideal time to visit there'

'Move any appointments I have until next week and tell my driver to get one of the cars readied for me'

Jason lodged in at a popular inn in Ashton, booking the most expensive room.
The proprietress of the inn is a woman commonly known as Lady Jane. Lady Jane enjoyed dressing as though she were a youngster, despite being in her forties.

The following morning, Jason waited for his breakfast which lingered to arrive in his room. He went down to complain about this.

'Please accept my apology, kind sir. She isn't usually late. You are welcome to stay in the garden while you wait' Lady Jane said with a smile, pointing him to the garden.

'I am lucky he is a calm type. Amaya, I will kill you once you get here' she mutters under her breath.

Approaching the inn, Amaya noticed a flashy car at the entrance. Rather than wasting any more time, she darts in, handing the delivery to the staff as usual.

'What took you so long?' Lady Jane asked, cornering Amaya in the lobby.

'I apologize for arriving late, I had several deliveries to make'
'So you decided to delay mine, I have hungry guests waiting for their breakfast. This shouldn't repeat itself '

'It won't madam'. Amaya felt her heart skip a beat as she saw Jason walking in through the back entry.

'You are one to feast your eyes after starving him. Did you know he is staying in the best room I have? He is also the owner of that sweet ride sitting outside, and you almost ruined his morning'
'But I already apologized'
'Whatever, run along you must have other things to do', and with that, she paced back home.

Their bakery was closed to customers that day since the town's festival was taking place.

'Amaya, I'm done with your dress'
Kelly calls out as she finds Amaya arranging her living room looking distracted, still having a twinkle in her eyes.

'Did you find a pot of gold on your way back?'
Amaya gradually fixes her gaze on Kelly, a faint blush growing across her cheeks.

'I know that look, who is it?'
Shyly she answers, 'A guest at Lady Jane's Inn'
'You simply saw him, and he is already giving you butterflies?'
'You can't blame me, you should have seen him'
'I'd love to listen to the gist, but I need to meet the other paraders. See you at the Town Square'

A couple of hours later, Amaya slid into the royal blue dress Kelly specially designed for her. She hurried to the town square with Mrs. Olivia and Andrew, picking a good spot, so they could get a clear view of the whole thing.

To kick off, the Mayor gave his opening speech and raised a toast. The town square buzzed that day. Food vendors took advantage of the gathering to vend. Little kids set off firecrackers here and there, while the crowd watched in awe as the performers showcased elegantly.

Jason went for a stroll, savouring the appealing vicinity. Walking amidst the streets, he wound up in the town square where more than half of the townspeople were assembled to witness the merrymaking.

As the day grew, Amaya heard her tummy rumbling.
'Aunty Olivia, I am going to have a snack, I will be right back'.

She makes haste to the back of the crowd, where the sellers stationed their carts. After buying her food, she turns to leave but bumps into someone, spilling the snacks in her hand onto the ground.

'Oh no!'
'I am so sorry. Allow me to replace them' a baritone voice spoke. Amaya lifts her head only to lock eyes with the same man at the Inn.

Suddenly, the butterflies in her belly were in a frenzy. She nods her head in agreement with his kind gesture.

'You don't look like you are from around here' she said, attempting to initiate a conversation with him.
'I am not. I'm here for a weekend getaway'
'How are you enjoying your visit?'
'It has been a nice time, I must confess'

Saying that they introduced themselves, conversing for minutes. With Jason and Amaya's amiable nature, they made an instant connection, chatting like they had known each other forever.

They only stopped when Amaya's tummy let out a loud growl. She felt her cheeks burn out of embarrassment.

'That must be my cue to leave. It was a pleasure to talk to you'
'Likewise' Pulling out his calling card, he hands it to her 'Feel free to call me anytime'.

Shyly she collects it, concealing it in her palm, 'Is this the last time we will meet'.
'Does it have to?' Kelly asked from behind them, chiming into the discussion, still dressed in her parade outfit.

'Jason this is Kelly, my best friend, Kelly this is Jason' introducing them.
Kelly continued, 'The national beauty pageants will be hosted in Ashton this year, and I will be a contestant. You're welcome to attend'
'I would love to'.
After their brief chatter, Jason returned to the Inn.

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