10 - Revenge 1

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~ Revenge is an act of passion ~

Kelly and her family were having breakfast the following morning when her mother raised a topic,

'What occurred yesterday at Amaya's place?
Why speak to her that way?'
'Why mammy? I didn't say anything wrong
'Please, for my sake, resolve your differences, I'm pleading'.

Kelly rolled her eyes, with what she had in mind, kissing and making up was far from it.

'Whatever transpired between you and Mrs Amaya?' Ezra asked concerned.
'It's like, you know, we were good friends, but, had this issue, and we grew apart'.

Kelly's schemes started subtly but progressed from bad to worse.

Amaya is sitting with her legs crossed in her office tending to some files when, Tracy, her secretary, walks in with what appears to be a cake box.

'Madam, a package came in for you'
'Who sent it?', Tracy shrugs her shoulders in ignorance.
'Place it down'.

Amaya carefully pulls off the lid and nearly pukes at the sight of what is inside. Tracy peeps in, letting out a shriek,
'Eww! I cannot believe it was in my hands.

The box is filled with repulsive worms.
'Tracy, please inform my driver to be ready immediately'
'Where are you headed, madam?'
'To visit an old friend'.

Amaya goes straight to Kelly's fashion home. She sees her talking to an employee in the lobby and storms up to her.

'Kelly, what is this?' Amaya asks with the box in her hand.
'How should I figure out, it is in your hands'
Kelly replies with a smug look.

Without wasting a second, Amaya dumps the box on her head, as the two break out into a catfight. Unknown to them, a few customers were filming their scuffle.

Finally breaking up the fight, Kelly yells at one of her security guards standing nearby,
'What are you waiting for to kick this psycho out of my building? You know what, don't bother. You're dismissed! So incompetent!'

At the end of the day, Jason shoves his phone in Amaya's face as they arrive home. On it was a video that had gone viral, with the caption,
“Vice President of Graham's Realty in a brawl with the Beauty Goddess”.

'Amaya, I don't delight in this action of yours, we were in the same place. What prevented you from informing me?'

It is obvious he was angry, he only called her by her name when he was mad.
'My love, please forgive me' Rubbing his arm,
'This shouldn't repeat itself, I don't want you getting involved in scandals like this'.

Jason quickly catches sight of Joanne standing a few feet away from them.

'Joanne, have you been there for long?'
'No Dad, but I heard the scandal part'
'Do you need anything?'

'I want to inform you both that our school Christmas party is coming up in a couple of weeks. This year there's room for a family presentation, so, if you are interested, then I'll notify the principal to pen our name down.

Amaya and Jason nod in agreement.
'We would love to participate'.

Only a few days later, Kelly hires two men to follow Amaya around. She is speaking with them in a dark alleyway late in the evening.

'My orders are clear, go after her until she feels unsafe and frightened, but, do not go anywhere near her and don't touch her'.

Entering her house, Kelly is greeted with a hug from Ezra,
'Pretty mama, you're finally home. Your dinner is already cold'.

'I had a few things to handle'
'Okay, sit', Ezra drags her to the sofa while handing her bag to a maid.

'The school's Christmas party is close, and I want us to join in the family presentation. There's a limited slot, so we need to sign in as early as now.

'Christmas party? No wonder you're so vibrant'
'I'm game' Andrew responds.

Amaya is on her way to work the following morning when her driver states an observation.

'Excuse me, ma'am'
'I believe we are being followed'
'What makes you say that?'
'The Black car behind us has been on our tail since we left the house'.

Her driver manages to lose him on their way, however, Amaya notices a man in black lurking outside her window.

Initially, she assumes it is an ordinary passerby, but he is around until she leaves the office that day.

For the next one week, Amaya felt uneasy. These men dressed in black from head to toe keep lurking around her.

To worsen the situation, the men Kelly engaged only showed themselves to Amaya when she was alone, making it appear as though she was losing her mind.

Amaya attempts to speak with Jason about it, but he claims it was in her head, he never saw the strange men she kept complaining about.

Joanne strides happily to her parent's bedroom that evening to show her outfit for the party. However, she falls mute in dismay, overhearing their conversation.

Joanne peeps in through their semi-open door to see Amaya wrapped in Jason's arms,

'Knowing that I'm being watched makes me scared, I know you don't see them but believe I'm not making things up'.

Amaya sighs in frustration, 'My love, do you think this is another of Kelly's schemes?'

'I don't know either, your bodyguard will always be there, so you feel secure'

'Miss Kelly again?', Joanne whispers, pissed with what she listens to.

Primax Academy's Christmas party is here. The school's auditorium is well-decorated with glittery banners, twinkling lights, and the like.

At the center of the school stood a proud Christmas tree designed to put everyone in the holiday spirit.

Whilst the bash is ongoing, Joanne and Roxie step out to use the bathroom. On their way back, they were met by Ezra in the hallway.

'Ezra, you're dashing in that tux', Roxie compliments him.
'Thank you, you look chic yourself'.

A call comes in and Roxie excuses herself, walking opposite them to answer it, Ezra and Joanne chit-chat fondly. Though it is hard, they don't allow their mother's feud to harm their friendship.

'Romeo and Juliet' two of their schoolmates say, 'You need to witness the show your parents are putting on in the hall.

They dart to the hall, Amaya and Kelly are in a catfight as a few of the staff try pulling them apart.

Among the guests, some are scared, others are confused, and a few seem unbothered while the rest watch in excitement.

They bump into each other, and Amaya confronts Kelly about hiring people to monitor her. They start exchanging harsh words, which slowly get physical.

Even after being torn apart, they continue spitting venomous words at each other.
Jason yanks her arm, 'Amaya that's enough, let us take our leave'.

Amaya pulls her arm away from his grasp, storming out of the hall. Jason takes a step closer to Kelly, gazing fiercely into her eyes.

'This is the last draw, Kelly, if you harm my wife once more, I won't take it sitting down'.
Saying that, he exits the building with Joanne following him.

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